How Would You Feel If Your Main Wasn’t What You Remebered?

Mercy, to most pre-rework Mercy mains, used to able to change the fight by using her ultimate. But after the rework, they complained because they didn’t like how she felt. She has became so much more boring since the rework. Oh look I’m a rezbot who’s ultimate is a better version of my main kit and makes me more noticeable.

How would you feel if you Main was completely changed on how they used to play and nerfed over and over again until they are bland? Who would be complaining then?

Imagine Solider, his ultimate is an ability that can kill only one person and his new ultimate would give infinite ammo and faster speed. Or Reinhardt, his ultimate would be an ability that can only shatter one person and his new ultimate would make his speed faster and let his barrier have more hp.


I main D.Va and Mercy, the most scapegoated and changed/nerfed heroes in the game. The statements spewed by their haters over the years have always been the same as the hate towards any other hero: said hero is “unfun to play against” and/or ridiculed for “taking no skill to play” or said hero’s playstyle and abilities “rewards too much for too little risk.” The justification to their argument? According to all the people that don’t play said heroes (or maybe for an hour?), who only base their perception of the hero based off their experience fighting them against the enemy team while ignoring that same hero on their team, and those who simply only watch the game be played by others and parrot their sentiments:

Big Data is all that matters

Specifically: pick rates and win rates. Just pick your tier for whatever data fits your narrative and you’re golden.

  • All tiers
  • Low tiers
  • High tiers
  • OWL

These people simply do not care about “hero microcommunities” and their little “feelings” about the hero in question.


I mean… dva just keeps getting more stuff. by next year she’s gonna have a sniper rifle taped onto the mech


Why should we? The game is balanced for the community as a whole. A “hero microcommunities feelings” should be irrelevant when it comes to game balance, otherwise nothing would get done.

To suggest that a hero should be unbalanced and/or OP just because said hero has a dedicated “hero microcommunity” who would be upset if she got nerfed is just plain selfish on their part.

If a hero has a near 100% pickrate, as Mercy and have both had in the past, it means that something isn’t balanced and needs to change.


D.Va with a sniper rifle isn’t really played the same way, or feels the same, but hey, balance!

I can’t speak for all microcommunities, of course, but in general, people don’t ask for their favorite hero to be imbalanced or a must-pick. No one seriously wants that, but they do have a favorite playstyle that keeps them attracted to the game. If your favorite hero(es) is going to be radically altered so that they don’t play the same as you remember starting out with, why even bother investing time playing at all? My problem is that the developers go too far with their reworks and drastic balance changes. They have been altering heroes to be played in increasingly strict playstyles, and over time have even altered which hero counters who. It alienates the playerbase and makes for a frustrating experience, to say the least.


I’m a D.Va main. She’s the most changed hero in the game. I’m already living it gorl! It’s annoying but it doesn’t warrant threads upon threads of spam. I’d love for her not to feel hodgepodge but she works and I enjoy playing her


Most changed hero in the game…

Symmetra would like a word with you.


While Sym has had more reworks, D.Va has had her identity changed the most. I estimate us to be on D.Va 6.5 or so. I guess you could cut it to 5.5 tho

Talking about D.Va, she needs something buffed. Her booster only doing 10 damage, DM only having 2 seconds and her missiles doing 126 damage. DM needs like 3 seconds or coming back at a faster pace. Boosters have to do 20 damage and missiles should do 150 damage on impact and like 25 on explosive.

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The booster nerf was unnecessary. While I don’t think she needs buffs even if she feels like Frankenstein’s monster, the booster nerf could likely be reverted without consequence

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As a junkrat main: this would be a blessing.
Btw: Hog’s been there and done that so…

If they’re still fun ,I’d still play them.

If they’re not (like what’s happening now with my mains ,Genji and Mccree) I’d just stop playing them and play something else ,simple as that.

Will I feel a bit sour about it ? sure ,will I spam it ? No.

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That’s why I have a hero pool. If they gutted Tracer, it would suck but I’d still have so many more heroes to play and that I would enjoy playing as well.


Well I can play basically everybody at a good standard but Mercy, Ana, Moira, Zarya, Symmetra are my mains and I used to just play Mercy because I found her more fun than everyone else and actually contributed a lot.

dude… there’s only 1 part of sym’s kit left that’s ‘sort of’ unchanged and similar. She had the most reworks and most dramatic ones at that, this is not debatable.


If it was better for the game, as it was in Mercy’s case, I’d appreciate the progress made and learn to play the new way. There are plenty of heroes to choose from if it’s not fun anymore.

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i don’t really have one main

Same with D.Va, hahaha. Sym was a radically changed hero–I play her quite a bit. But has had more iterations

Not like this is the Olympics of it but

Both of these sound amazing and incredibly overpowered, the fact that you even think these would be weaker version is an statement of how little understanding you have of this game

There would be other factors to it though. There would be a cast time which would probably be similar to rez being 1.75 second and soldiers ultimate would only last 3 seconds. Being faster doesn’t matter much when there is a lot of CC and infinite ammo doesn’t do much. Both would have a 30 sec CD. Reinhardt would’ve had a longer cast time making him easy to stun. Symmetra already has a better version of Reinhardt ult. Don’t see how his would impact the game that much.