How will SR decay work with the new role queue?

SR decay is one of the main reasons I stopped playing Competitive regularly. I really hope we aren’t expected to play 15 games a week if we want to play all three roles…


It will probably only require it for one role.

They didn’t say, but you can always test it on PTR.

It makes the most sense to me that decay would affect all three roles with the same timer.

We don’t know how any of it’s going to work yet, we’ll just have to wait for the official announcement

I mean… check twitter dude :rofl:

Gosh how did I miss a tweet

EDIT: So now I’m wondering if SR resets. The only thing I can find in this announcement is this:

As you’re playing, please bear in mind that this is a brand new skill rating system—you shouldn’t compare it directly to your previous SR, and it may take a while for your role-specific ratings to properly adjust.


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That’d allow people to exploit top500 SR by getting super high SR and then sitting on it and playing other role to keep the SR from decaying.

IMO decay should only exist for Top500 due to limited slots.

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Jeff just said in Seagull’s stream that SR decay will be removed completely for now but they know it causes some problems. So I guess they want to do something but it’s not ready yet.


I do play regularly so it doesn’t affect me but I’d imagine it’s kind of a problem for top500.