How will OWL tokens work until June 13th?

Will we just have to wait until the 13th to get free tokens?

Are they not working now? I mean I only got about 30 tokens from watching the last two days. Which I am not sure is accurate given one day was 8 hours and the other about 6…

So I am not sure if they are counting it all accurately. But it seemed to work. Or you talking about the fact there are no scheduled matches any time soon?

Yes. Earning free tokens is only available from watch live Overwatch League matches.

There have been issues for various players and I have been trying to help as many as possible to resolve each individual issue. I recommend taking time to review my troubleshooting guide here if you have not already.

I heard that contenders are being broadcast on the OWL YT channel until June 13th? Wouldn’t it be a good incentive to “support T2” as Blizzard are trying to push to add OWL Tokens even just for this period, even just on Playoff Finals or something?

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I was curious about this as well.

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