How were the forums during DIVE? (OWL Stage 1)

People complained about Tracer and Genji, but not really about Dive itself. Truth is Dive was very much a GM and OWL issue.

I made a nice thread Trickle down meta isn't real

That ended up with Jeff showing different ranks had differing metas that showed that say Gold players’ complaints about Tracer for example weren’t particularly valid.

People complain more now about Goats because there’s a lot more influence down the tree on which heroes are picked from that meta. Because the metas down the tree were far more varied than they are today, people were more specific and clear about their problems; but never had so many heroes they felt were unplayable.

I think the pushback against CC comes from that, as it’s a very tangible place from which you feel you’re not being effective; when the reality is that a lot fewer heroes are viable in the first place around those that are.