How was season 11 for you?

Did Lucio ball placement matches, placed masters, did s11 placement matches, placed masters. I don’t really enjoy the current state of Overwatch so I haven’t played for around 3 weeks now.

There were some ups and downs. For a lot of it I was stuck in gold/silver (almost silver not quite) around 2050. I was having a lot of fun. I got off for about a week and a half maybe two. Yesterday I got back on. I played for I think about 3-4 3/4 hours this time I wasn’t having it. I went from basically silver to 2523 not losing a single game. I then proceeded to play another game and in that game I lost (2498). The next game I DC’d (2365) a ridiculous amount of SR drop for a DC. Another DC (2278). The next game I had to go because my grandpa isn’t in the best condition and needed help (2167). At this point I’m pretty much back at square one. But keep in mind I haven’t lost a single game where I didn’t end up leaving or DC’ing midway through except for one. AND THAT WASN’T STOPPING. I kept going all the way back up to 2600 so not only did I get to plat but I gained almost 1000 SR so I could maybe have gotten to diamond if things went to plan. ALL OF THIS WAS SOLO QUEUEING WHICH I PREFER MOSTLY BECAUSE IT GIVES ME AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE EVERYTHING IS EXPECTED AND THE EXPECTED IS UNEXPECTED AND YOU LEARN HOW TO PLAY AND TO ADAPT TO MANY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS. OTHERWISE, YOU’RE GOING AGAINST COMPS THAT ARE EXPECTED AND “META” EVEN THOUGH IT DOESN’T MATTER AT THAT RANK.

Basically I liked this season a lot not my favorite but definitely not the worst and better than the previous 2-3 seasons excluding last season.

There’s more good things to talk about this season than negative tbh

I have just done the placements and never touched it again :slight_smile:

Also, 3445 is not bad at all! Good job :wink:

Next season I am sure it will be like this:


Good luck

What’s really wrong with overwatch right now it’s in the healthiest and best state it’s been in since the game has been released except for like season 4-5 like you said but it’s only slightly worse if worse at all it’s really good overall right now and I have very little negative things to say unless they’re just picky and just don’t affect the game at all

Thanks for asking, Avian.
+1 for you.

I enjoyed my placements which came as surprise to me and wrote about it here:

However, this old man have to admit that Tier-wise, i am where i should be and as i have suspected all along. Although it was still a litte disheartening to see that i had dropped a tier from Silver to Bronze after the placements. I make no distinction between “high” Bronze nor “low” Bronze. Bronze is Bronze, Diamond is Diamond. Calling oneself “high” or “low” is simply hubris. The only high and low is the Top 500 for obviously reasons.

Much i dislike being considered the “worst of the worst” in this game because of personal pride and my innate perfectionist nature, all things considered; Overwatch is (unfortunately) a footnote in my list of (leisure) activities and if i do rise above the lowest of Tiers, i guess that it would happen organically. =)

That said, I am definitely enjoying this game and it is very fun looking to improve my personal game play in each and every game, be it Competitive, QP or Arcade.
It is like learning chess, right? Just play, and enjoy getting better. =)

crashed out of my first placement match and can’t be assed to finish them.

I think I went 6-4.

I try not to play competitive anymore because it’s full of meta slaves and people on their “widow only” account.

My main sucks, the meta is stale, and I placed exactly where I do every other season.

That’s about it.

I’m pretty sad lol I placed about 11pts away from Masters yesterday. Yesterday and today I tried climbing but I went on a long losing streak and now I’m in mid diamond.

The novelty of the Endorsement system wore of quickly and people are back to being really toxic again.
The quality of the matchmaking is still deteriorating.
I like the support changes.

I can brag im diamond now.

In lucioball :sob:

Almost made it to diamond, so that’s fun

Played a sh*t ton of Tracer this season because of LFG. Sadly I wasn’t able to play my two main roles (support/Tank) that much but playing her this much makes it more than enough to make myself happy. I made it to diamond but I had some losing streaks after that but had a rollercoaster effect throughout the season. I ended with 80 sr lower which I’m fine with. At least I gained the ability to make call outs, mostly for enemies positioning, focus fire, enemy ults ready, and who I fragged out. I had 63 hours played this season.

I got to GM so my best season so far.

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Season 11 i my first real time playing comp. I did placements and few games in Season 8 but I was too afraid to really play it. I got placed in Bronze I’m stuck at <500 I climbed up and down but I was able to get’s golden guns!!! :heart_eyes:

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Wow! Congratulations!

Nice! Congratulations!

i spent it mostly in WoW, so.

I just came out of 4 games, probably my final ones for the Season. Managed to hit Silver with 2W and 2L.
So for this season, with 14 games, I am 7-7. Not too bad for a my first season playing more than just placements.