How was Mercy 1.0 more engaging and fun?

It could be said that flankers are supposed to flank the enemy and mercy is y’know a healer and like crusher said dps they ult during the fight and

they would have to count the fact that dps ults have a load a counters to them such as stuns, barriers for most of them, of them walls for everybody execpt hanzo none of those things infulenced wether or not rez was initiated cause of y’know it didn’t have a cast time

Okay, fine. You have a point there. How about we say A principal reason, given that it was straight-up in the patch notes?

Umm, do you think Mercy had infinite range on Rez? She had a travel time to get to the centre of her teammates through guardian angel…

Also Pharah is not a flanker. Neither is Soldier and McCree.

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I’m sure it was an excuse, sure.

But I’m 90% sure anyone that feels like the enemy is gonna start popping ults isn’t gonna stand out in the open and take them with a smile…

There’s a difference between playing around cover (which the other defensive ults didn’t even require) and purposefully hiding yourself so that the enemy straight-up doesn’t know where you are.

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There have been plenty of threads which answered your question… probably around 50 different threads at least over the course of the past year. Perhaps try using the search engine and find some of them… the quote is from one of my threads that explain why I think current version of Mercy is boring compared to earlier versions.

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Mercy hiding from an ult to get a tempo Rez is the same thing as a DPS hiding in a position to use their ult since they both take place during the teamfight.

Mercy letting her team die and rezzing after the fight is like a DPS waiting until after their team dies to ult, except Mercy gets rewarded for it.

But has anyone ever suggested that Mass Resurrect come back the way it originally was? I’m positive the last time I checked people wanted it to come back fair for everyone to play with and against. But I guess I’m wrong. People will still be head strung that Mass Resurrect is the worse most awful game mechanic possible with absolutely 0 way to balance it.


she didn’t put any a ult at risk if she doesn’t use it and if she does use it she still gets up people. ethier way you can get vaule out of rez unlike with dps

ults it if you get body block barriers walls,dm or whatever you just wasted a ult with mercy she has to deal with none of those thing just staying alive engough to press the mythical q button and get people up no cast time blocked by barriers or walls so yeah she could straight up rez thru walls she didn’t even need to fly in

i’m not that saying that mass rez couldn’t come back (given a load of restrictions) I’m saying compairing mass rez to dps ults is asinine unless their is a new hero that is lets you kill five people thru walls barriers, DM etc with no cast time they share almost nothing

Not until after the rework. Before, people understood that she was UP without invincibility. If someone suggested it, it got met with “Mercy is balanced”. I remember any idea to change her was pretty much rejected.

Risk vs. Reward.

v1.0, while underpowered, was about keeping your team up and alive and analyzing the whole situation since you have little to no damaging power in your Staff. You kept an eye on threats, and maneuvered around if they ever got too close. By the time you got Res, you had a whole world of possibilities. If the team fight was using minimal ults, tempo ressing was the best option. However, if you know the enemy has lots of ults, it may be best to take cover after they start initiating. That’s when you have to be sneaky and res your team back. Even then, it’s not guaranteed you’ll win the team fight if the enemy was smart with their ultimates.

v2.0, we knew would be overpowered. She did feel a little more engaging, but only because her res was so quick. The beams felt lackluster, but the mobility we had as well as the dual res helped it feel nicer.

v2.???, No double res, slow res, nerfed movement, and nerfed healing. You legitimately have to hide and res to pull of a successful res now, her Valk gives nothing but a weak Trans or Super Charger while turning into the dreaded Moth, and she basically turned into an off healer with little utility, despite her being noted as main healer. She can hold her own, barely, but other healers can do her job much better without the need for res.

But the hypocrisy is that “Mercy left the fight to stop healing in order to use ult.” SO if I said “Pharah needs to leave the fight and stop dealing damage to use ult.” That makes it ok?

What you are now using as an argument to try and back up your first argument is that Mass Rez had no counterplay yet other DPS ultimates did. I’m pretty sure at least 85% of Mercy mains can agree with you that the way Resurrect worked mechanically had flaws and needed to be fixed to put it in line with other ultimates. The top Mercy post literally shows a reworked Mass Rez Mercy with an E ability that will help us in the mid-fight which is all we ever really asked for.


Because the old Mercy took a lot of thought and was thrilling, and new Mercy feels so boring. She just does.

For instance, before Mercy had valk part of the game when you played her was paying attention to the tempo of the team fight and finding ways to stay alive and heal as much of your team as possible, and when things got hairy you’d have to be sneaky or fast to get out of dodge in the hopes that you could come in and use res when the opportunity arose. These are things you’re doing, active things, active choices that make you think and give your brain excitement. Also, people were super on the hunt for you creating an extra level of challenge the higher ranked you got - the better you were the more likely a Tracer was gunning for you and only you. It was THRILLING.

Now when I play Mercy the most I have to pay attention to when it comes to the tempo of the fight is just whether or not Valk might be useful right now, which it’s like… IDK, is a lot of my team hurt? Sure, it’s useful. Am I going to die right now? Sure, it’s useful. These aren’t very engaging questions to be asked, it’s not challenging, it doesn’t really push me as a player. Yes, I am getting to put input into the game, but the general scope of it is just so much smaller now.

Now that you can heal even less than before you’ll be simply healing the majority of the game, you’re doing the same thing all game, and your ult will be used to push your team somewhere, and that’s it. It’s about as engaging as mayonnaise to me.


This always makes me laugh, because they sure as shingles didn’t want any changes to mass resurrect before the rework hit.

I’m only going to answer regarding Mercy’s ultimate as that’s where I think she’s lost the most fun, where Mass Res was swapped for Valkyrie.

It felt great to use both when tempo rez’ing to keep the fight going and even better when you managed to pull off those big rez’s.

It was earned and gave you a payoff for surviving the scrum and healing your heart out.

It was rewarding as you knew if you got it right it would have a big impact on the game.

It was terrifying as you knew if you died or mistimed it your team could loose a critical fight.

It was risky to pull off if the other team was paying attention to you meaning you had to play hard not to die. It was fun playing tag with flankers.

Using it properly took game sense and the ability to read the flow of the fight and know when and when not to use it. A single rez could change the course of a fight as much as a mass rez if you knew a player was good and would make the most of it.

It made you pay close attention to Ult Economy, your teams and the enemies, as your ult was valuable as using it at the wrong time could easily waste it or kill your team again.

Pulling off a big mass rez was impactful and didn’t rely on others making plays which was refreshing for a healer in an FPS/Moba.

The imagery and sound of mass rez was beautiful and everyone new what it meant when “Heroes Never Die!” when it rang out over the battlefield. It was the sound of hope for your team.

For me Valkyrie offers none of these things and actively reduces the amount of fun you can have playing Mercy by limiting your options and simplifying her play style.

Would anybody want a counterable ultimate? No. Was it necessary? Yes.

There’s a difference between silence and “git gud”. Drastic measures (i.e. the rework) are a consequence of not relenting on small, necessary things.

She isn’t. People are just upset they can’t undo 4 ultimate abilities with their ultimate.

She’s actually far more fun to play now than she was before. Her movement is a lot better.
People are just still salty about not having Mass Resurrection is all.

It wasn’t always hiding and, in fact, hiding wasn’t a great strategy most of the time.
However, she’s still more engaging now than she was before.
Unless, of course, you just want Mass Resurrection back.
(it’s not coming back)

I think a lot of people equate impact to fun.

Lots of impact = lots of fun. Old Mercy used to have huge impact because she was able to completely flip fights, therefor resulting in fun for the player.

Lmfao who would even say “git gud” wtf. Now the rework was justified because Mercy players were rude now. Like what?? The way I see it. As a Mercy that played in GM level with Mass Resurrect. Players weren’t toxic. They weren’t rude or disrespectful. Usually, they praised Mercy for saving the team fight. Until it became some sort of a stigma that all Mercy players arose from the depths of the underworld and that we play to ruin the games and lives of other players when we use this character.