How to Stop team from pushing One By One

I have lost so many easily winnable games from teammates pushing too far 1 by 1, Ultimately dying and basically throwing the game.

Most common situations would include
Reinhardt charging into team
Healers chasing kills
Mcree deciding to go to other side of map to “Flank”
Team getting too cocky and dying 1 by one

Some of the time no one will push payload, so i’d get stuck with it and then get flamed for not healing, etc…

I use voice coms all of the time, so is there a way to get your team to actually listen and stop this behavior? thanks…


The best you can do is tell them that you can’t heal them and need them to back up. It’s worked more times for me than I care to count.

You get your Bible out and start praying.

On a serious note, unfortunately there is nothing you can do to stop them goin in 1 by 1.

Best thing you can do is call it out on VC and hope for the best (that is if they are in VC to begin with). I too have it in my games more often than not.

As far as pushing the payload goes, it is really not a bad idea to leave one on cart while others push to get the straggles and prevent the enemy team from regrouping. The enemy team will definitely have some stragglers and if your team kills them they will respawn slower making it harder for the enemy to have the full 6 in order to engage the next fight.

The “going in one by one” frustrates me only if we are defending on King’s Row for example then the enemy pushes in, one of our teammates die and they respawn at the same moment we all die and instead of waiting for the rest of us they decide to go in alone.

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i find it even more punishing on numbani. that walk of shame feels like none other to me


I’ve lost so many games to this just this week alone. For some reason the game has decided to put silvers in my games when I’m 2300. And I ask them to group up, and Mcree gets killed 5 seconds later while everyone else is grouping up, only for Ana to peek and get killed after that… By the time everyone actually groups up we’ve lost 2 minutes. Not even joking.

On one of those fateful times, in the last minute the enemy decided to switch to Bastion and naturally no one knows how to deal with that, so it was gg. Even though we were winning by several minutes time. This game makes me want to uninstall.

Sometimes I think this only happens to me :smiley:

I simply hate such games. You spend the whole game simply asking people to group up while the enemy is pushing even more and are draining the clock and the opportunity for you and your team to do anything is getting smaller and smaller.

The best part of such games is at that point people actually lose any kind of will to play the current match (since those who overextended blame it on heals, Tanks blame it on DPS and the supports blame it on the other 2 roles) so the overextending, not grouping up, not focusing targets gets higher and higher.

Man honestly in such matches it is really about “gg, go next”. I know that people love to throw that statement around like it is candy but in those matches you really need to be like “gg, go next”.

I still try alone to make smth happen tbh, do anything, do 1 vs 11 or simply practice certain skills that I lack. It is basically the same as when your whole team leaves and you are the only one left.

Luckily, not every game is like that, honestly.

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Trust me I do. But when you have a full week of this every single game - and I mean EVERY SINGLE GAME. I just want to throw in the towel. I have 1 week of people actually within my SR range and I win easily and I’m climbing, and then the match maker decides to take a dump on me and put me in games well below my SR with people with no brain cells.

It is not the matchmaker, trust me.

I agree personally, that the grouping up SR range should be lower than 1k SR in elos below GM (I believe). Like, I am only Gold, but I actually worked my a* off to get there from Bronze where I was initially placed. I surpassed this rank for a reason. I do not want them in my games, at all, unless I am like at the brink of losing my current SR, then I understand.

Trust me when I say, quit after 2-3 losses. Play QP, get a drink, play Arcade or whatever. It helps tremendously, because the more you play tilted the more you will lose and then blame everything else on you losing. At that point you cannot even notice all the mistakes you are doing and you are simply playing with rage.

It will only harm you in the long run.

I have personally, I think, went through all of the stages one goes regularly when playing in low elos. Through thinking how it is my teammates fault to (I do not think that I ever admitted it here), to actually buying a higher ranked account because I thought I belonged there. None of those work, at all, ever. No, nope, nada, no sir.

You feel like you are getting tilted, quit while you are ahead even if you only lost one match. Better to quit after one loss then quit after 15 while you get more and more tilted.

Trust me not every match is like that, it just looks like it because you continue to play tilted.

Stay strong random forum user. Stay strong.

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I typically play tank so when I die I look at how many teammates we have up and how many opposing players are up. If my team is outnumbered I’ll calmly ask them to back off a bit and wait for me, especially if we still have enough time to contest a point.

When I say “calmly” I mean letting my team know that I’m on my way and I have their back, trying to take control of the situation. People tend to trickle when things get out of hand and they want to help.

Screaming into the mic telling teammates to “GROUP UP MORONS!!!” Doesn’t help either. Some people just need some guidance and that’s ok. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve won at the last second by nicely asking my team to group up and attack as one unit.