How to set coordinates for an effect included in a Player Variable

Ok so I’ve been messing with the effects in workshop and i’ve created an effect and assigned it to a player variable(so i can destroy it) and set it’s radius with a global variable.But i can’t seem to be able to find out, how to tell it(the effect) where to position.(in this case i want it on the location of the event player).Can you please explain me how to i set the coordinates?
29: TotalAnnihilationSpell12

	53: TotalAnnihilationSpell11


Create Effect(All Players(All Teams), Light Shaft, White, Event Player.TotalAnnihilationSpell11,
Global.TotalAnnihilationSpell12 * 0.800, Visible To Position and Radius);

As long as the position is being reevaluated (reevaluation is set to Visible To Position and Radius), you can simple define the position as Event Player in the Create Effect action.

The effect will then always appear near the center of the player model (I think it’s the the bottom of the player model + Vector(0, 1, 0) if I’m not mistaken). If the position of an effect is defined as Event Player, it will update its position more smoothly than with any other definition.
(In-world texts and icons will be placed above the player’s head when you define their position as Event Player and also have their position update more smoothly than with any other definition).
On top of that, when an effect, in-world text, or icon has their position defined as Event Player, they will automatically become invisible when that player turns invisible. This works with no other definition for the position, as far as I know.

To place the effect at the bottom of the player model, define the position as Position Of(Event Player).

If you only want it to update when the player variable TotalAnnihilationSpell11
changes, simply set that player variable to the desired position (Position of(Event Player) or Position Of(Event Player) + Up or any Vector(x, y, z)).

Keep in mind that effects created in an ongoing - each player rule will be destroyed when that player leaves the game (or is destroyed in the case of a dummy bot).

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