How to people teleport to me except for some variables?

Is there a way to people teleport to me except for some variables when Brigitte uses ULTIMATE?

Ongoing - Each Player;

	Is Using Ultimate(Event Player) == True;
	Event Player.C[11] == 3;

		Teleport(Array(Event Player.C[11] == 0 || Event Player.C[11] == 0), Event Player);
		Big Message(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("Assemble!", Event Player));


Teleport(Array(Event Player.C[11] == 0, All Teams, Event Player.C[11] == 1, All Teams), Event Player);
Teleport(Array(Event Player.C[11] == 0 || Event Player.C[11] == 1, All Teams), Event Player);
Teleport(Array(Event Player.C[11] == 0 || Event Player.C[11] == 1), Event Player);

It’s all not working

So, you want to teleport players to you, but no players with-- uh lets say the player variable A == true

rule ("Teleport players") {
    event {
        Ongoing - Each Player;
    conditions {
        Is Using Ultimate(Event Player) == True;
    actions {
        Teleport(Filtered Array(All Players(All Teams), Compare((Current Array Element).A, !=, True)), Event Player);

How do I make a function to permanently expel other players even if I am not a host player?


Well, its frowned upon, but you can do this:

rule ("Remove anyone") {
    event {
        Ongoing - Each Player;
    conditions {
        Custom String("{0}", Event Player, Null, Null) == Custom String("AlaskaWolf", Null, Null, Null);
        Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Primary Fire)) == True;
    actions {
        Remove Player(First Of(Filtered Array(All Players(All Teams), And(Compare(Event Player, !=, Current Array Element), Is In View Angle(Event Player, Current Array Element, 30)))));

This is set up to remove players in your view.

Just change my name to your name in the conditions, do not include numbers at the end of your name.

Is it possible to automatically put it on the list of deportations?
and, can I remove it if I put another player on the target and press the button?

Big Message(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("{0} has been expelled by the administrator", ????));

If I put an event player here, my name will come out. How do I put an remove player’s name?
And the Message pops up every time I press it. Can you make it pop up only when it’s removed?
And is that all players remove from my view? Or only one of them will be removed?
I want to remove only the target I want.!

Thank you very much for your help.

This will remove the player closest to the center of your screen (crosshair)

variables {
        0: A
rule ("Rule 1") {
    event {
        Ongoing - Each Player;
    conditions {
        Custom String("{0}", Event Player, Null, Null) == Custom String("Your name Here", Null, Null, Null);
        Button(Interact) == True;
    actions {
        Set Player Variable(Event Player, A, First Of(Sorted Array(Filtered Array(All Players(All Teams), And(And(Compare(Event Player, !=, Current Array Element), Is In View Angle(Event Player, Current Array Element, 45)), Is In Line of Sight(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Current Array Element), Barriers Do Not Block LOS))), Angle Between Vectors(Facing Direction Of(Event Player), Direction Towards(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Current Array Element))))));
        If(Compare((Event Player).A, ==, Null));
            Small Message(Event Player, Custom String("No one is there", Null, Null, Null));
        Remove Player((Event Player).A);
        Big Message(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("{0} has been expelled by the administrator", (Event Player).A, Null, Null));

What this does is stores the closest target in a variable, then removes the target, and displays a message.

Disclaimer: I made this outside of the workshop, so it may not work as intended.

I think it’s going really well. Thank you so much.
If you don’t mind, can I ask you another question?

Yes, feel free to ask

when SIGMA use ultimate to make Event player.C[11] == 0 and Event player.C[11] == 1 teleport to sigma ultimate center?