How to nerf owl sombra while buffing ow ladder sombra

She’s literally the best she’s ever been right now.



That was after the hack rework where passives were cancelled

So good they had to introduce LoS checks and ruin her for the next 2 years

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Lol what, of course no

She was in this state 02.02.2018 - 03. ? . 2018 ( after hack buffs before 2 sec Cd )

Current Sombra is only MAYBE better than launch Sombra , current Sombra is much more worse than her early versions

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Nope. Her hack has had some bug fixes recently that make her feel better, her spread is better, and the meta is better for her. Overall she’s doing better than even then.

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Oh no they made it so she couldn’t hack people threw walls, travesty

That’s why I said 2 years

Now that’s why she might be meta :thinking:

You might have meant “so hack broke by air 90% of the time”

She’s statistically outperforming all of her old incarnations, has never done better in league, and has even managed to no longer be the worst hero period in low ranks.

How is she not better now?


They’re obviously baiting, nobody can seriously think that just ignore

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Right but now they fixed that AND she has the spread buff too.


Looks at like 90% of the sombra playerbase :eyes:


How does this “buff” ladder sombra?

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I’ve seen like two people ask for her invis revert, it was an obvious buff the only thing she meaningfully lost was being able to contest while invis which shouldn’t have been in the game anyway

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Lets not take OWL as an argument because you and i and 99% of players don’t play all time with full team 40 hours per week

She in general is still 5th worst hero

In GM she get playing only because of security camera by her self she is very useless, same with Symm that get only playing becouse of TP

So yes she is in the worst state she was ever been

Please understand the game before you actually post, she’s used for hacks and her ult

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In general it’s will be a huge buff

read this - Sombra is unplayable

I mean I wanted the stealth change when things were a bit more static so she could just do things faster, but the game is more fast paced now. So she’s in a position to be doing something now way more often just naturally. So she doesn’t really have as much downtime anymore that the speed change would need to fix.

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Her biggest contribution to high rank games is EMP. It is the bulk of her value. Her other value comes from hacking key targets and harassing the backline. She’s not just a security camera.

Do you watch any Sombra streamers?


Currently sombra is played like a security camera. This stealth rework would allow sombra players to play like a disrupter/back line harasser.

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How? By nerfing her?

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