How to Nerf Dragonblade

Yeah he’s never sucked. There are times when he doesn’t fit in the meta but he’s never been bad.


This is actually a fantastic idea for a nerf. Not drastic, but still important enough to force players be a bit more restrained with DB engagements.


Yeah I get it, genji is a great hero in the right hands, but is he meta defining? No. Is he a must pick? No. Is he in every single game? No. If the enemy has a genji and your team doesnt, are you guaranteed going to lose? No. Genji doesnt need to be touched. He doesnt need to be buffed or nerfed. Smh my head

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Giving genji 150 hp is the best way to nerf dragonblade

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Yeah dude Genji is a must pick in pro play!!! Goats who???


“Smh my head” is redundant. Also you don’t have to be metadefining or a must pick to be OP.

Players asking Genji to be more skill full?
Try playing Genji and then come back when you realise he’s the hardest hero in the game by quite an amount.

Without a rest he is pretty useless. Imagin striking in, using ult. And then being booped by Lucio. That it. You have been hard counterd. There’s no way for you to get back in the fight. No way to do any damage.

When you look at the amount of mobility and cc in the game. You start to realise how much counters Genji. And how well they actually have to play to have any sort of impact.

His ult has 0 range. So how do you expect him to dive in and stay dived in with the amount of mobility in the game? It’s impossible. He wouldn’t be able to keep up with anyone.

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This is bull. He already runs faster than most characters normally and he gets even more speed when he ults. I can’t count the number of times I’ve booped him away with a character just to have him close the distance necessary to get another kill. Remember, he doesn’t have to catch up to the Lucio to get kills. He just needs to catch the slowest on your team.


Just make swift strike not be able to go through shields.

Typical “representation = level of balance” fail argument.

Have you played Doomfist lately? lol

Gotta say, a lot of the arguments peoplemake about other hero’s abilities getting nerfed is “now they’ll have to think before they go in.” I wonder why that doesn’t apply to Genji.

However if with this change if genji goes to get a reset off a low hp target and another person takes the elim, genji could easily find himself well out of position or dead

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That’s already true of when he doesn’t use ult. Why should it be different then?

Then his team messed up in that very unlikely situation and they should be punished for it?? Not seeing the problem except that Genji mains don’t want a nerf no matter how reasonable it is.

I just want the range of his SWORD swings to not go 20 meters or whatever the insane range is on it now.

Hey, why don’t we just nerf every hero until the only playable ones are: Mercy, Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta, Brigitte, Reinhardt, Zarya, Roadhog, and Winston?

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I’ve got a nerf for it. Stop allowing it to hit people that aren’t even on the screen. Literally been killed by it as Mercy whilst being 20ft above him in the air and the kill cam showed him hitting nothing.

Hit boxes as a whole are just disgusting in this game.


So you want to discourage team play and you don’t see a problem with that? Anything to nerf Genji amirite