How to make tank fun again

  1. Remove Dps.

  2. Remove Dps.

  3. Remove Dps.

There, I solved the problem.

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Basically this.
20 characters

Thank you! Would solve everything!

Those 4 tank, 2 support on both teams, pre roleq games were unironically among the most fun I’ve had in this game.

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Tell me about… it…

i think that tanks just need a better fighting chance.

imo, they’re better at defending their team than themselves.

(exceptions being roadhog and zarya)

i’m not asking for a buff, but playing as them feels really helpless when you’re at low HP.

supps and damage usually have good sustain and/or mobility, and their tiny hitboxes also help with dodging hits as well.

but low hp tanks? rein can only turtle with his shield and hope for the best, sigma/orisa can shield dance, resist/block shots, shoot, etc. but with their big hitboxes they’d still die. winston can leap away, but other than that he’s a sitting duck with a shield most likely broke and on cooldown.

and D.Va is self explanatory.

in other games, tanks feel like they still got a fighting chance even when low HP. instead of having to cradle or hide behind their shield clinging to whatever hope they have left.

actually, i think i’m just downplaying tanks as a whole by saying all this. maybe i’m underestimating them. in low HP situations as tank, you probably can do a lot more if you’re good enough. i don’t know.

i just feel that they’re very wack to play.

i guess i’m asking for tanks to be more independent. and no, that doesn’t mean i want them to be shimadas

Ands that’s on power creep! :hot_face: :heart_eyes: :flushed:

So basically: Remove everything you dont like cause you say so.

Threads like these can never be taken seriously. This isnt constructive feedback either.