How to fix the game

‘Perfectly functional’ YIKES… The game is dying quite fast, if it were not for OWL it would be in real danger at this point. This isn’t my opinion it’s just how stuff is.

Bugger that.
Cut all ult effectiveness by 50% making it less punishing to swap.
Win win

Ontop of actual hero balance, there seriously needs to be much stricter punishments for throwers and leavers. I’m talking like, 3 strikes and you’re banned for comp for the season.

Also, smurfs need to be dealt with. I don’t care of they’re “allowed” because they rank up naturally. Fine. Make it so you can’t DERANK. Make it so whatever rank you gain, you can’t drop down out of it BUT you don’t get any seasonal rewards if you can’t maintain it – Meaning, If you reach Diamond, you stay in Diamond but you need to maintain a positive win/loss record. Even if it’s 51%. And get rid of this nonsense of 1k SR between group members for comp. I’m sorry if your game is a dumpster fire and no one wants to play it. Make FAIRER MATCHES.

Rollback the game until just before the Sombra release, that’s the point from where it all started to go south.


‘Laughably unrealistic’ um how many times has Sym’s kit been redone? Mercy had her entire ult reworked, Brig got almost completely overhauled. What do all of these instances have in common? There was something that was too destructive for competitive play to work as intended. So why is it any different when it comes to immortality or Moira’s kit? I agree that straight up removing heroes is not ideal but how else do you deal with Wrecking Ball? I agree that DPS should not be the only fun role (believe me I’m an Ana main) but this is about the specifics (i.e. not roles in general). With the changes I’m talking about plus whats on the PTR I think tank and support would be just as fun as DPS. You can’t tell me that anyone with an IQ of above 15 enjoys alternating between holding right and left click on Moira for 20 mins per game…

There are 2 types of player in this game.

Those who play the First Person Shooter Overwatch, and those that play Arcade Overwatch.

The problem that causes threads like this and any other “rework/delete hero X” to appear is that in fact there is no FPS Overwatch, it died with Sombra release. It will not be back, remember it if you enjoyed it, forget about it if you thought it was boring.

Blizzard will never remove characters.

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The only way to really fix the game is get rid of some at the top and add to the bottom.

Too many chefs ruin the soup.

Oh yeah? When have they ever " deleted/removed" a hero?

It is your opinion.

If the game were in as dire straits as you’re claiming, there wouldn’t be a sequel on the way that will share a Competitive mode with the original.

The game is undoubtedly perfectly functional as is, but as I noted that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement.

Funny. My duo partner and I were saying just today that the game would be a lot more fun with the Hamster gone.

Even when he’s on OUR team, he’s annoying. I’m trying to shoot at enemies and they’re bouncing all around the map like some comical parody of a video game.

I mean, congrats to Blizz for coming up with a super unique hero that might be fun to play as for a totally different experience. But in the long run, he’s so annoying that it gets old really fast.

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Good thing they dont hand out balance positions to anyone.

I didn’t say remove completely, I said ball should be removed from competitive

If they will remove at least one, all will be removed eventually. Comp will finally become Meta-mode, when you can only play as 1 or 2 characters from 3 categories that make the so-called “metas” brought to us by the OWL players and Team Jeff.

That would be the worst patch ever.

Even though I can agree with only 2 of these, everything else is just a random wishes of Gold players.

Its BECAUSE the game is in such dire straits that they’re bringing out a sequel. I think it’s also been in the works for ages so why wouldn’t they. But if you compare it on streaming sites or actually play the game you’d realise its in real trouble. I think it’s past just room for improvement at this point

I wouldnt say removing hammster from anything. As much as i hate him. He should not be a tank as a tank is supose to take damage, he could either have 1 or 2 things done to fix him so hes less BS…

1st option: make him a bit slower moving as he is now hes faster then most if not all of the heros, and make his hook not able to “latch” on forever it should have a timer to it (ie: mei can only cryo freeze for short time not forever) so he could still stall but not like he dos now it just makes games retarded when u are about to win and the enemy team gos hammy to “stall” the game…to compensate for those 2 things make him get a bit more shielding with his shield thing, and maybe a shorter cool down on his hook.
2nd option: make him dps class instead lower his base hp to 250 (cuz of his size…or reduce his size but less hp is easier programing) up his bullet damage very small amount to make him a bit more dps’y, and as before put a timer on how long he can hook for. No compension needed for those as he would fit in dps class much better. (Could even trade spots with doom and make doom a tank with some balance changes on doom side)

As for moria her only real bad side is her range on that damage grasp is crazy long it should be shorter kinda like old sym range was would be more balanced her damage ball is anoying and maybe it should only do a % of ur current health not x amount unless ur under lets say 10% or 15% then it can kill maybe just a idea and woild need testing. Her fade really isnt that bad specialy when u have heros like sombra/tracer that can completely tp away and get full health back instantly…

Bap lamp sucks specialy when u have that sweet 6 man ult and u hit q and realize there is a lamp sitting next to u and there team pause for a moment to laugh before they kill u and u just sit in disbelwif and anger… sad to say its not op maybe needs less hp maybe…but if like the above senerio u fail to deal with it first or bate it out first it has a long enough cool down to be counterable.

Not sure how to nerf sig maybe less damage since the dame he dos is aoe and hes a TANK.

Lol buff genji and s76?! Lol why…genji is laughably easy heck i know a 12 year old kid that can play him at masters lvl and s76…hes even easier as hes he hero they teach u to play the game with in the tutorial. But honestly they dont need more they already have enough

I wouldnt mind a mmr reset long as they do someing about smurfs (higher rank playing in lower rank)

But those are my ideas or thoughts…bliz wont lisen to them so o well but that is how game companys are. O so well.

Hamster doesn’t take damage?
That’s the most hilarious joke I’ve ever seen

Hamster freakinf tanks the hell out of damage… if you play him right.

I was rereading my post and i should of refrased that as a ranks job is to take damage for his team …ham dos not do this he is played more like a dps then a tank he takes damage and runs away so a pansy hamster i guess…but he dosnt block or take damage for his team is probly more accurate.

Yes, he freaking does
Do you even play Hammond?
Because if you do I’m baffled, because you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about

Also, even if he isn’t specifically taking damage, he often is pulling at least 1 or 2 pf the enemies attention to him, if not more, which is prime time for the rest of his team to push.

Ya the hammons i have played with…none of them do this stuff your talking about. All if not most play for them selves and arent anything but a slight distraction as they spin on point and those i play against are next to useless as i play mccree and just stun them as they act like my personal ult battery. So no he dosnt truely tank at all or sinergize with any team build i just dont think he should be a tank or he needs to be a slower tank as i said in my post either option would be viable and i know u might love playing him but (not to be mean to u or ment at u) but he is a hit and run tactic hero like genji and others that is more dps then tank to me and played by pansy players