How to fix ranked, from a day 1 player

I do, he is a man of culture and I adamantly agree with his name. Oh, and his point as well. Swapping was a mistake.

I like the idea of a hero ban. Love it, even. I think it would make the game so much more interesting.

Not so hot on the no hero swapping. But honestly I would take it if it comes with hero banning.


Go into it slowly and I can see this idea being fun, especially as a arcade event.

And how does it help to remove the ability to swap?

If the enemy team counters yours, and you can’t swap. What then?

A pick/ban system is still playing rock paper scissors, except now you can play paper and ban the enemy from picking scissors.

solo queue and role queue would instantly improve the ranked experience

While this may work on some level killing the USP of a game to fix it is hardly a solution, that’s like setting yourself on fire because your cold.

Also locking out hero swaps halfway though would be a very toxic mechanic, the new ‘meta’ would be waiting till the last second then swapping to a really powerful but easy to counter comp that your enemy can no longer swap to counter.

TBH I think the answer is to either fix qp or add a new game mode between comp and qp. Make comp all about the meta and try harding and this other game mode still about playing to win but with less pressure and more flexibility in what you want to do.

This system works in mobas cause there is a ton of heroes and because of that you can have multiple bans. Overwatch has a more limited roster especially on healer and tank, so we get one ban… only one person on your team can pick the ban and they’re going to ban one of their counters.

Now let’s say I pick wrecking ball and I don’t get the ban choice. Our team bans genji and then the other team picks Mei, mcree, Ana, brig, Orisa. I am now stuck with wrecking ball and being hard countered by 4/6 players on the other team and I can’t do anything about it. So I’m left with the choice of dodging or be completely useless the whole game.

There are simpler ways to fix comp.

  1. Reduce sr group limit from 1000 sr to 300 sr.
  2. Guilds
  3. Remove endorsements from QP and make it comp only. Endorsements are now just a simple “recommend this player”. You can only endorse players on your team. If you are a highly recommended player, matchmaking will put you with other highly recommended players.

picks and bans are terrible for a game that revolves around hero swapping.
Just get better at the game? lol

You pick a hero, your opponents pick 2 of your hard counters or even soft counters but they’re REALLY good at them. You get pasted almost the entire game. Wheee. Even if your team ekes out a win it would be incredibly frustrating for you and likely no fun.

Aaaaaand what happens if the enemy team looks at your teams profiles, sees you have a onetrick, and then proceeds to ban said onetrick, effectively making the game a true 5v6?

Not only does that possibility exist, it would almost ensure 80% of the playerbases profiles being set to private.

Also, the developers flat out said they weren’t doing pick and bans. And not being able to switch midround…do you know how garbage that mechanic feels in Paladins?

It doesn’t feel garbage at all considering how flexible the champions are with the Cards/Items system.

I have a master and a grand master account. It has nothing to do with my personal ability.