How to fix PTR Symmetra Teleport?

Cooldown starts when Teleporter is deployed
Incur 5-7 second cooldown if enemy destroys Teleporter, does not stack with Teleport cooldown

There. Now you get rewarded for destroying symm’s teleport and she cannot place a new teleport down instantly even if she had cooldown available, symm is not bogged down by massive downtime each time her teleport taxi is destroyed and can use teleport more flexibly to turretbomb when she wants to attack.

Symmetra also has to be aware of her own teleport being under attack, possibly getting under attack and can mitigate effects of breaking the teleport by placing a new one in better location, similar to sombra translocator gameplay.

Teleport needs to remain as decent mid-fight ability, as it’s her only source of damage and only source of escape. Without teleport used as engagement tool rather than repositioning tool, symmetra’s damage capacities are gutted and she cannot operate as a dps anymore.

Old teleport uptime was 12 second cooldown and 10 second duration, 2 second downtime between uses. New teleport downtime is always 15 seconds between uses, no matter what. This needs to be changed.


I agree. This tp change for me is a MASSIVE nerf. Tp bombing with turrets is a core part of symmetra gameplay. The range is nice but the 3 second extra cool down+having to manually destroy it kind of makes it unviable with how long it takes to get your next tp . You also have to play much less aggro and safe due to the 1.5 second cool down. I’m pretty sure most ACTUAL symmetra players see this as a nerf. Overall, symmetra will be much worse in solo queue without turret bombing and the teleporter being more team based.