How to fix Mystery Heroes

I agree with this. You’ll just have to keep addng more and more rules. The mode is about pure randomness. If you want proper team compositions play QP or Competitive.


I get the same feeling of that as well as people wanting it to guarantee there to be X healers and tanks and what not. Essentially, they’re pushing it to be like competitive and towards the meta.

Also, trying to induce some structure into the mode would invite all sorts of toxicity as people would stop being laid back and start being more serious. Then not laughing things off if things don’t go their way or if someone isn’t proficient with a certain hero or role.

Then there’s the whole issue of roles. Some people really don’t like being healer or tank as there’s pressure to perform on such a role. But if they’re the only healer or tank and they die, odds are, they’ll get pushed back into that role.

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So if a game isn’t fun for you 100% of the time… nay, a game MODE… then its broken and has to be fixed.

Got it.


If it isn’t winnable, it’s no longer a game, it’s just gambling against RNG.


Might I suggest the League of Legends route, referring to ARAM.

A Random All MID

Possibly an OW Mode in which for the duration of a game, players can only spawn as Heroes of a specific role (Offense, Defense, Tank, Support). This way, there’s no argument regarding “We have too many x”.

If that seems a bit to much or unfun, how about a Lockout Mystery Hero, in which each round a player only has access to a handful of heroes, the game would make sure every player in the round gets access to 1 hero of each role (again, Offense, Defense, Tank, Support). Lockout Mystery Hero would resolve a lot of the current Balancing Issues with Mystery Hero.

Or, a Draft mode. At the start of a game, each team is assigned 12 random heroes (three from each category), players then decide between themselves who will be playing which hero from their draft pool.

I like the idea of Mystery Draft as a new gamemode, that is a really, really good idea and should be developed.

As for Mystery Heroes itself, the only change I really badly want to see is that ult charge is no longer lost upon death, as this makes skewed team comp qualities even more of a problem.


Our god Jeff Kaplan has spoken

Actually I grabbed a similar idea and posted it on the first post.

But instead of being locked to specific characters or roles, it lets you pick 3x characters on death, between 1x DPS, 1x Healer, 1x Tank.

And maintain Ult charge between death.

Would maintain the randomness, but not force people onto specific characters or roles.


Its a game. People are going to lose. Unless you’re GM then some of the time its going to be you. I would be willing to bet your (and the rest of the qq’ers) win % on MH is about 50%, which is what anyone should expect IMHO.

If you look at the root of what everyone is complaining about, it isn’t gameplay or balance, its about winning and losing and some of you’re ego’s can’t handle it. I mean seriously, are you expecting 80% win on MH? 90%?

Not only that, but as I’ve said before, its a quick game; you don’t have to score best out of 5 or each take a turn. It’s meant to be fun and irreverent - “oh crap, this is the 3rd time I’ve rolled Ana - this sucks”, but the next game is “sweet, I’m on my fave and I’ll probably ult at least once if not more.”

MH is what it is, and you don’t have to like it, but don’t try to ruin it for everyone else who likes being able to play a bunch of different heroes with no judgement or expectations (other than filling your toons role.)


I would be happy with this… If I get Zarya then I can not get her again till I’ve gone though 6 or more other heroes. Why you ask? I’ve gotten a hero like her, got someone else, back to her, someone else, back to her AGAIN. This happened to me once with Sombra across 2 maps. Hard to believe but it did. Everyone in the match even saw and were shocked.

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Having to play against a bastion,orisa and mercy comp in that mode is upsetting when you can’t do nothing about it even if you manage to kill bastion it gets rezzed and your destroyed. Unkillable team comps ruin that mode with 2x lucios and two roadhogs or multiple torbs the point will not be captured at all since these modes never have communication. If the enemy team gets a good team comp they’ll never lose point.


I don’t mind either way as long as you give the weekly bonus boxes to quickplay as well so I don’t have to feel forced to play Arcade mode.


Mystery Draft would be fun!

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The main issue with Mystery Heroes is… it’s always there. The great Arcade Lootbox Slot Machine. It never goes away. In fact, on PTR yesterday… THERE ARE FIVE OF THEM. (Are they even different queues, or is it just one queue?)

The second? Suicide forcing you to stick with the same hero leads to some rather… problematic behaviors too. jumping off a cliff as soon as she’s forced out of mech for a 8-10 second mech “recharge”. Pharah blowin’ herself up so justice can still rain from above after she gets her ult charge back up. And such and such.

Don’t make me compare the Mystery Heroes experience to “Luclin Raiding” Jeff. You probably don’t want to be reminded of THAT particular moon.

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Jeff, I love Mystery Hero.
It is where I go to practice when I don’t feel like deciding who to play.

Some changes I would like to see:

  • Algorithm changes that take into account what your last few heroes played were in the round. This way we see less repeat heroes as often.

  • Make it so there can’t be more than two of a hero on a team. This will still create rough situations (double Mercy, Bastion, Shield tanks, etc) but you won’t get triple or quad comps that are nigh undefeatable without a miracle team spawn.

  • Pipe dream here, but making it so that every so many spawns, the system looks at your team and throws a healer or tank in if there isn’t any present. This would be nice. But again, a pipe dream.

Otherwise I enjoy Mystery Hero a lot. I’m not the best at a few heroes, but I can confidently pick any hero and know how they work and it has helped me understand how to play AGAINST so many heroes. Please don’t mess the mode up too much!

Thanks for your time!

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No need to change it. Eventually some of the extra healers get killed and respawn as something else or you yourself end up dying and respawn as a healer if your team has none. If you dont wanna feed someones ult then jump off a cliff til you respawn a Mercy, thast what I do.


I think it should be kept mostly random but if you don’t have at least 1 healer then it should add weight to the chances of a healer getting picked.

Either progressively over time (like each time someone on your team dies and a healer isn’t picked yet it increases the chances even more until one is picked) or just a flat rate that let’s you get one almost right away.

I think some sort or balancing would be good. I find my games usually just snowball out of control and you have no chance. Like if you lose point A on Numbani, then you team spawns with 3 Mercys and a Symmetry, you have zero chance of forming any sort of defense, the other team has a bunch of ultimates, and you’re stuck cycling heroes and hoping for the best.

Minor team composition intervention would be nice.

Retaining ult charge would be nice either way.

Doesn’t work anymore. Suicide keeps the character you are on. It is actually a tactic now to suicide to keep playing that character. You basically have to feed or fight to re-roll. Like if I get Ana for the third time in a row, just run in and get shot up. In trying to fix one behavior blizzard opened up the doors on another.