How to climb as support main?

I have always enjoyed healing in video games since I was a kid. Therefore, I am a support main in Overwatch. I always place right around 2200-2300 and I have been on the cusp of plat several seasons but just can’t seem to get there. I average 14-16k healing per game and play any of the support heroes well, but I usually end up on large loss streaks eventually. I usually end up in games where I am getting picked first, despite being with my team and behind my tanks (feeling like I am not being protected well enough). Or I end up in games where nobody on the enemy team is dying, despite keeping people alive for a long fight. I am decent at tank heroes and not very good at dps, but I know many people say that you should just play dps to climb out of gold/silver. I am looking for constructive feedback here and any tips other support mains may have for me. My two favorite healers are Ana and Mercy. I am really good at getting anti-heals and keeping my teammates alive as Ana, but feel like I have less survivability because ineveitably a Winston or D.Va will dive me. I survive a long time and Mercy and usually get a minimum of 6 resurrects per game but I feel like her healing can’t compete with the high burst damage heroes anymore (if they have Junkrat and Reaper focusing your tanks).

EDIT: Just took an hour break and came back. Had 22,850 healing as Moira and we still lost. The next game I played Mercy had 11,380 healing and 10 resurrects and lost. :frowning:

Here is a VOD of me playing mercy/ana in a losing game. I know there were times where I wasn’t with my team at all because of symmetra teleporter and my team was already in, but the rest of the game play will hopefully give people an idea of my play style and where I can improve on. - YouTube

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The healing dosen’t mean everything as a support main. Choose who heal first and why. Be aggressiv or not. Who rez and why etc…


I try to keep my tanks alive first and foremost. If my dps are low then I heal them up quick and then go back to healing my tanks. I try to pay attention to the second healer too. I always rez a tank/healer unless there is a dps that has an ultimate that can potentially win us the fight. Otherwise I just rez whoever is dead if only one person is dead. I don’t think those are my issues.

Send a vod and ask for a support main in higher eloes to review your vod. I think that can help you.


Saying random stats don’t mean anything. Post a VOD and people will be more than willing to offer critique.


backline, take little risks, GOOD AIM, gamesense…

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Off supports can counter ultimates and win games

Ideally, posting a vod for review is best for people to see any mistakes you don’t notice but here are some general tips to consider if you want to improve/climb.

  • Play with headphones that allow you to hear audio cues and the direction its coming from. (No music)
  • Familiarize yourself with the Hero Tab (make it a habit to glance at enemy team comps(if they switch, what they have), your team ult charges, and if you may need to switch to a different healer that is better for the situation) before and after combat. Also 15 seconds after a match starts is when the enemy team comp is available via hero tab. Knowing ahead of time of what they have saves you from any surprise widow/hanzo headshots so you can position accordingly.
  • Survival is key, think of the times how you get picked off first, were you standing still? out in the open? within a single winstons jump distance? How about your get-away cds? Are they up when you died? Could you using that lucio boop/moira fade/ mercys GA keep you alive long enough for your team to help?
  • Mouse Sensitivity How high/low is your mouse sensitivity? Do you ever overshoot/struggle tracking a teammate/enemy in your crosshair while trying to lock on? May consider in tweaking it around.
  • Playing around the enemy line-up. Things like if the enemy team has a widow, not to stand out in the open or saving your GA as mercy until the enemy winston/genji uses their mobility ability. (I catch a lot of mercy players prematurely using GA when playing as Winston letting me jump where she flies to assuming its not pharah). Pretty much pit yourself in a situation against each hero. I did this along with playing FFAs as lucio which helped me comfortably duel some dps.
  • Utilizing your heroes better. Now i say better cause there’s always room for improvement. Don’t be happy with how your hero usage is now but think of ways you can use your resources better. When playing ana do you get in situations where you have to reload to heal? Maybe you are firing your heals at a full health teammate essentially wasting your ammo for more crucial moments or maybe you forgot to reload before the fight.
  • Movement Do you A/D crouchspam when under fire or do you run in a straight line? By running in a straight line it is easier for enemies to predict where you will go/end up. Things like strafing left and suddenly strafing right throwing in randomly crouches will make you harder to hit so more healing output.
  • Killfeed Having the killfeed up and being able to differentiate a lost fight (save ults) to spending your ult to guarantee the win. Some people don’t pay attention to the killfeed and have a tendency to use EVERYTHING in one fight leaving them at a severe disadvantage the next fight.

On a side note, how are you doing resses time-wise? Things like ressing your teammate back into a 2v4 brings more harm to your team as you hard stagger yourself and your teammate.

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Thank you, your post was helpful. I don’t always think about some of the things you suggest, but I will now. :slight_smile:

Play Zen and just kill things. Use your ult only when 3+ people are critical or to counter-ult. That’s what I did for diamond.

I’d say don’t fill as supports you’re not the best at. Im a good Lucio and mercy but I would pick moira if someone asked or if we didn’t have a main healer. I’d do ok but I’d do way better as mercy or lucio. I’d always recommend playing who you’re best at instead of filling a team comp or something.

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I have added a VOD to the OP. If you are a support main and have constructive feedback to give, I’d appreciate it.

Make your team not die. Done.

  • to all frontline dps moira mains
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Your primary target to heal is always the other support.

When you get attacked, you need to shift away. There are many instances where you sit there and die instead. On that matter, you almost never use your shift. You should be using your ability much more often. Like 10x more often.

When you walk back from spawn you always have your staff out. You are defenseless with your staff out. Pull your pistol out.

When you use your ult, you never use your damage boost. Even when your team is full health. You should be using your damage boost much much more often.

You are slow to recognize rez opportunities. When you do finally do it, you get yourself killed because of aforementioned slowness.

I’m guessing you have toggle shift on based on your inability to shift to your teammate over a ledge. Turn it off and learn how to play with it like that.

There’s actually no reason for you to switch to Ana. Not only is it the wrong pick for your team comp, you aren’t actually good enough on her to get proper value. Basically, you lost the game because you switched to Ana.

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Felt it may be easier for you to reference the timestamps so I posted the comments on your YT video. If you have any questions feel free to ask.