How to buff Doomfist

After the recent weapon rebalance DF stays at the same semi abysmal pick rate.
To fix this I propose giving him 2 buffs
1 permenant shields. DF can keep shields gained till they are shot away ( like worse armour) I’m not sure about this but he has a massive hit box so could do with the higher HP pool and this would work with the other buff…
Gengu treatment.
Whenever DF uses abilities to take out an enemy, the abilities cooldown a get reset. If you uppercut and slam those come back up if YOU do the final blow (rocket punch won’t).
This is because right now you dive in , use your abilities and have no escape and die.
Stay Positive
Generic Toast


Or give him a bottle of old spice


Or that, Yeah
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

I’d lower the cooldown on slam and uppercut by 1 second each. And maybe increase shields gained from 30 to 40 on ability hits. Both of these would put him in a good spot.


Nice idea
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

a big no to the permanent shields, dont want a 400 hp doomfist walking around who goes out with over 325 probably.

most doomfists i have seen use rocket punch to get a kill, uppercut and slam to get out.

The genji treatment might also be a little too strong. genji gets the reset on assists as well but only on his dash(which does a decent amount but not too much)
on DF it might become a bit too much even with the finishing blow. if you start with rocket punch and get a kill (or not), you can uppercut, shoot 2-3 times and get a kill( on dps/healers mainly), use the uppercut again because of the reset, slam for a good amount and by this time rocket punch has probably been reset, which means you can finish any dps/healer in sight. if you are able to do this you can get 2-3 kills every fight and get away with it probably. so it seems a bit too much.

the ideas are nice but would give DF too much to work with and too much freedom

i could agree on a cd reduction on an ability, but mainly at the cost of damage on rocket punch (mainly so it wont 1-shot) or something like uppercut punching you higher than DF so he cant rocket punch while you are basicly stuck in place.

True on all your points but that can only happen at high levels of play and it doesn’t fix the huge hit box problem.
Maybe even just slower barrier reduction

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I’d split his passive into two parts:

  • slow decaying shield on hit (exactly what is now, maybe reduced a bit)
  • fast decaying on cast (impossible to stack out of fight)

That could be something like another 20 shield that decays over a second, with ultimate providing 100 with 5 second decay (on landing).

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Yeah…Permanent shields would be busted. Just saying as a person who thinks he’s an average Doomfist. Even I could abuse that.

More importantly, you don’t wanna use Uppercut and Slam for get out moves. They’re kinda slow when used together. RP is the KING of getting out.

I think you guys have the right idea. I think Doomfist needs 2 things to finally be viable:

  • His passive needs better yields. It doesn’t feel like it does much unless you’re using your ultimate.

  • Rocket Punch’s Hitbox needs to be bigger. Not as big as before but seriously it’s too small as is.

After that I think he’d be fine. Not soaring in pickrate mind you…but he’d just be good to play. And of course any bug fixes (I feel like I see Wall Slides every now and then…)


but when I get all the shields they became useless cuz there’s no-one left to fight .
and when they come back the shields are already gone .
is like old reaper passive .
I vote yes on keeping the shields . or give him an extra ability to gain shields before the fight start , the reload button could be like that .
become immobile for like 5 seconds and gain full shields that decay like the current ones

Tbh I wasn’t sure about perm shields myself, as you said really exploitable.
I agree with you on the increase hitbox thing though. Would be nice if it could reliably kill things.
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

What about whenever his ability and/or Ult lands a hit, it reduces all other abilities currently on cooldown by 1 sec.

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You, and everyone in here, might wanna visit this thread.


Thats the wrong way to play Doomfist though. When you play doomfist you press e + shoot + shift + shoot shoot + and rocket punch jump away

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That’s an awesome combo!
I’ll have to try that :grinning:

I play against a lot of good doomfists, and they never use rocket punch as an attack, always an escape. You always initiate with uppercut or seismic. Since Hanzos changes, you no longer initiate with uppercut vs him, because he can ‘lunge’ after it, but the other dps can no longer air strafe after it.