How to balance brig

I have been saying this since Brig came out and since before Goats was a thing.

Brig needs a rework. Brig NEEDS to be a support with minor tank utility and clearly they have not been able to figure out how to do that. IMO, it isn’t hard. I have suggested how, and I stand by my changes to the hero.

Brig also needs to not be threatening to tanks while also still posing a very real threat to flankers while still being able to pump out reliable healing to her team, all while not being super easy to play so adding a slight skill shot just like Flashbang and Sleep Dart


(side note: armor>shields>HP. Armor should stack on shields, shields should stack on regular HP.)


  • 150 HP + 50 armor (down from 250 HP)
  • (effective total HP: 200HP + 500 Barrier = 700 HP)

Barrier Shield

  • 500 HP
  • 166 shield per second, after not taking damage for 1.5 second (down from 2 seconds)

Rocket Flail - PRIMARY FIRE

  • 30 damage (down from 35)

Whip Shot - STUN (now has the stun effect removed from Shield Bash)

  • Range: 10 meters (down from 20)
  • Cooldown: 7 seconds (up from 4)
  • Damage: 80 (up from 70)
  • Projectile Speed: 60 (up from 40)
  • Stun: 0.8 second stun (down from 1)
  • Animation: wind up animation/cast time is twice as fast (almost instant cast)

Shield Bash - UTILITY/MOVEMENT (now has the knockback effect removed from Whip Shot)

  • Cooldown: 5 seconds (down from 6)
  • Damage: 40 (down from 50)
  • Range: 7 meters (up from 6)
  • Shield Bash can no longer go through barriers, instead it will connect/damage the enemy barrier

Repair Pack - HEAL

  • Cooldown: 4 seconds (down from 6)
  • Healing: 100 health (down from 150 health)
  • Overheal: Up to 50 max armor (down from 75)
  • Range: 40 meters (up from 30)
  • Projectile Speed: 75 (up from 30)


  • Range: 10 meters (up from 8)
  • 40 armor every 1 second (up from 30) 100 max per player
  • Total armor: 400 over 10 seconds (up from 300) Still 100 max on self and allies
  • Duration: armor lasts for 15 seconds after Rally ends (down from permanent)
  • Movement speed: +10% (down from +30%)


  • REPAIR PACK now triggers INSPIRE
  • Rocket Flail and Whip Shot trigger Inspire when landing damage
  • Shield Bash NO LONGER triggers Inspire
  • Inspire now has a yellow circle around Brigitte to show radius to allies like Lucio
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds (down from 1.5)
  • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Radius: 15 meters (down from 20)
  • Inspire healing: 100 HPS over 5 seconds
    • 20 HPS on allies (up from 16HPS)
    • 10 HPS on self (down from 16HPS)

Dont just skim through these changes and then complain about it.

Read them. Understand them.

This is a massive change to the hero. It not so much a nerf as it is a change to how you play the hero and IMO how the hero should have been played since day 1 and not a stun machine that just kills everyone in sight.

Eh, I’m not really cool with giving her more mobility AND buffing her combo.

I think a simpler change would be to just make her shield bash do 20dmg instead of 5 dmg.

Every other form of stun has 20dmg or more, except Ana since hers is like 5s stun. Flashbang does 25dmg while Hook does 30dmg. At best, make SB do 20dmg.

You should be punished with some damage if youre within melee range of melee heroes, same reason you dont go close to Rein to attack him or try to outsnipe a Widowmaker at long distance.

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I think the stun in this case doing 80 damage is okay because its a skill shot with a limited range on a 7 second cooldown that she needs to use in combination with other abilities to secure a kill on Tracer

Also, Whip Shot is blocked by barriers.

30 + 80 + 40 = 150 damage

I think I’m fine with the having only 145 nearly instant burst on any 200hp hero.

Instead of the current 190 burst.