How to avoid smurfs?

Which is bannable in its own right

Comixfan mentions how Jeff Kaplan says they are fine, but argues that they are cheating in every game they aren’t in said rank. It’s not just about actual smurfing, it’s about every account that isn’t their main that is any lower than their primary

I don’t mind lower, if it is just a little lower, you can have mostly fair games still.

But, when people in much higher ranks throw down to low ranks and smurf them, there isn’t a fair game to be had. So people leave.

I am worried, because we are losing players quickly now, and I am out on the edges here (being in Aus/NZ servers).

The games have been increasingly being against the same people over and over again, but… today, today I couldn’t get a game.

The servers didn’t have enough people to have a game. - I’ve never seen that before.

This is how a game dies. One server / region at a time, and I think NZ/AUS is on life support now.

I don’t think you understand, I’m not even trying to defend these people. My point was it’s not cheating. I’m against people who have accounts they throw on.

I know, I am just worried.

I’m watching the game die in my region. Blizzard isn’t doing a damn thing to save it.

Hopefully people will be coming back with changes they make in 2019. I’m hoping for guilds, but not even sure if I’d join them till GM…

Yeah, I was hoping LFG would help, but, it is empty, (you need a population for that). We did have LFG’s for about a month, but they took so long to form, no one bothered - apart from the “road to bronze” LFGs which survived a little longer. ( which, Blizzard never stepped in to do anything about, what did they think the LFGs called that were doing?)

I can see a road to bronze guild forming, but I only think it will kill the game faster here.

Organisation isn’t the problem.

A guild which could do internal guild only games may work though. Since they could police the people in them.

I know it isn’t the problem, but I just mean I’m hoping for them =P my point was, they are going to bring changes to it. I hope that is one of them.

Hopefully they’ll do more than just social features, we could use a new game mode, plus they have a ton of new heros planned. Though I hope they balance our current ones more cough reaper cough

Oh, you and me both, anything under 1% pick rate at masters and above obviously has issues.

I hear they are building a new game with the overwatch IP, maybe a PvE game? I would be so lucky.

no it isnt. jeff himself has stated they have no problem with smurfs. it is not cheating

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I think what you mean is they weren’t hugged enough and need attention.

Them throwing down IS cheating.

Don’t take his talk on alt accounts as justification to smurf.

no one really throws to derank, on the low rank account i play on my little sister does all the deranking for me

I guess all those lfg groups call “throwing to bronze” was just people being ironic.

Also you are still cheating playing on your sisters account since, you are technically boosting her.

i guess but its not really cheating when she gets like 400 sr and loses it all

You are still ruining some poor peoples games though, and you should feel bad about that.

Don’t do it, you are killing the game doing it. (I’m in the AUS/NZ servers, and we literally are having a problem with how few people are playing now - people smurfing is driving away our new players, and for us, that is important)

We don’t want to lose our servers.

not really as im not essentially stomping entire teams, i just play lucio as a dps and do better then the other dps on my team, i could be out here stomping these plat nerds on genji or hanzo but i choose lucio so they at least have a chance

Hey, while I don’t like what you are doing, I do like anyone bringing the lucio noise :slight_smile:

I’ve played Lucio for a while, but I have just started my DPS lucio (or oppressive lucio as funnyastro calls it)

It is been crazy successful. It has really opened up my eyes to different styles of play.

i dont find carrying low rank players on genji or hanzo (i play projectile not hitscan) fun, because its easy. i enjoy stomping players and carrying games on lucio because it is more difficult.

See, we need a game mode for this. Not people using comp for it.

I would not mind signing up for a game where I play people MUCH better than me, but, I shouldn’t have it forced on me in comp.

I get to play with people who are better, which I can practice against, they get to play stomp the lowbies, this stuff gets out of comp, everyone wins.

the only true gamemode in ow is comp. in any other gamemode there is never a proper team comp to test your skills.