How the forum goes

‘‘Don’t balance for the top 0.1%’’
‘‘Sombra is too strong in OWL’’

It mostly comes down to what suits their narrative.
‘‘The pro’s don’t want Mercy in their games, so don’t balance for them.’’
‘‘Sombra is strong in OWL so nerf her.’’
‘‘Genji isn’t played in OWL but nerf him anyway because he’s overpowered.’’


The self-aware posts are the worst.

Totally self aware post, fails to recognise sarcastic post, so meta

yes, thats fine and all, but can we talk about mercys current state for a second?

I just wanted to make sure it stayed true to its claims.

Just helping you look out for #1, chief.

thank you my man, you fight the good battle

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#nerfgenjomovement jokes but yeah

In post

In comments

Mentions Mercy in post, gets annoyed that she is mentioned in comments.

The usual for the forums.


“Goats is the worst!”

“Why are there never any tanks in my games?!”


“We need to nerf Doomfist!”
“Sombra is fine! She doesn’t need buffs!”

[Whoops, now we have GOATS]

“I hate GOATS, we need to make GOATS weaker!”

[Blizzard makes GOATS weaker]

“UGH, why did you buff Doomfist?”
“We need to nerf Sombra!”


my fav remains those that scapegoat zarya/rein while saying brig has nothing to do with goats.

Not true at all, the only reason why Goats is still strong is because of massive area heals from lucio and brig, as well as the dmg output of tanks

:arrow_up:The real hero of the post you missed :arrow_up:

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You saw it here first folks!

It came… It saw… It oh man, you saw how it conquered!

Never again will we see the likes of it again!!!

Actually I am pretty sure its the repair pack from brig as its the only burst healing available to the composition outside of ults. Otherwise focusing down a target wouldn’t be that bad.

That’s it. close the forums. This is basically them in a comment. No need for more

Every now and then, in the wee hours of the night, with a blue moon high in the sky, a create/fun/intelligent thread will be created.

It’s like finding hidden treasure.

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So what do you guys think of Mercy? I think she is pretty balanced.


Brig posts. More so than anything else. And most of them either about how she’s a mistake or how braindead she is to play. A few are about giving advice about changing her, but they’re mostly shot down with “shut up, she doesn’t need to playable, she needs to suck more than sym, torb, and bastion combined.”

It must be a super power.