How strong/weak is bomb?

It’s good, even playing super tricky ends up not working at one point as every mixups for using it are learnt by people, so they have the right tool and it doesn’t feel super impactful, but it still got decent use.

Give baby D.Va emote and a few abilities, to truly be the Zero Suit Samus of Overwatch : Agile, but lightweight.

BS! What other hero can lose a 600 health pool and have the option of then running around with a faster hero with a gun and another 150 health or to immediately use their ultimate and get right back into that 600 health Mech?? You lose the largest health pool in the game and get a second chance.

Bastion’s ult takes 2 seconds to even deploy where he’s vulnerable to everything.
Mei’s ult can disappear out of thin air if she is hooked, stunned, frozen, hacked, killed, or defense matrix touches it - imagine if that applied to Ashe or Junkrats ults which are essentially the same thing, a secondary, mechanical ultimate that is deployed?
Tracer’s ult is like throwing a 100 lb dumbell, it has no distance to it and if you’re not careful will kill you too. Imagine if Dva’s ult damaged her or her team as well and you had to dodge it?
Ana’s ult can hit the wrong person or miss entirely with people moving or getting booped/pushed around. You know how useless it is to nano a Mei? LOL

Should I go on?

What does that have to do with the ult?

I agree his ult is a suicide.

That is called counterplay. There is no other way to prevent that ult form happening

Tracer’s ult is bad but at least it charges fast

That is your own fault.

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Dva getting to ult instead of dying like everyone else? Some would call it OP, but at least she can’t launch it in that scenario.

Mei’s ult being affected mid-air by her unconnected body being moved or killed is ridiculous. As I stated, it doesn’t happen to Ashe and Junk’s ults which are both secondary mechanical ults. If you do anything to either of them after they ult, the ult is still in effect. Actually, just realized Dva’s ultimate fits within that role as well. Imagine if I hooked you after you ejected from your mech while ulting and your mech disappeared? XD

It’s not your fault if someone jumps in front of your nano shot, unless you’re implying you should be shooting people with it at point blank range. But you’re a Dva so Ana’s functions are likely foreign to you.

You can leave the “weak” part out of your title.

  • It is a zoning ultimate.
  • It has a high damage output capabele of damaging (and killing) multiple enemies at once.
  • It has a large radius.
  • It give Dva a second life.

It is without a doubt the strongest tank ultimate and I consider it one of top 5 best ultimates in the game.

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Their ultimates has no cast time.
Once you pressed ‘Q’, will your ultimate activates.

Mei’s ultimate on the other hand has a cast time.

Latency cause it to disappear mid air if Mei is stunned or killed.

Please give this a read:
[PROOF] Projectile Ults blocked by Lag

Dva’s DM and Genji’s deflect can.

But I agree that ultimates need a form of counterplay and stuns and killing is a good way. I just wish it worked the same on transformation ultimates with their cast times.

yes. it is still a form or counterplay

I view it as a zoning ult more than anything. If it gets kills then great, but the room it creates as the enemy takes cover is massive

It doesn’t do 1k in the whole radius, only to what is directly next to it. The explosion has falloff, and deals considerably less at the edge of the aoe.

just remember the rule of bomb during a clip. All d.vas are boosted so add 1 rank.

Not quite. I’d say that if Snowball has left Mei’s hand, even if Blizzard hasn’t actually activated yet, then it shouldn’t just be deleted. Only Deflected or DM’d. If it’s before then she should lose it completely, but once Blizzard enters the projectile phase stunning Mei should have no effect on the ultimate.

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While Self Destruct itself is not particularly strong, that relative weakness serves to balance out the rest of D.Va’s objectively powerful kit. There’s a reason that she’s been in every meta for the last two years. Improving or replacing it would serve to further strengthen an already overtuned hero.

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It either kills 2-3 (4-6 once in a blue moon) or complele ****.

It is better as a last ditch attempt or just yolo chucking at the point and pray you got their healers.

It’s one of the weakest ultimates with the redeeming quality of giving you an extra mech so it at least it’s not as bad as Wholehog or High Noon

It’s fine. It’s fun to get big kills with a dunk. It’s a little annoying that the majority of bombs in games I watch seem to be remech bombs, but it’s whatever. Middle of the pack for tank ults.

D’Va’s ult has the most utility in the game.

  1. You can zone with it.
  2. It’s a second life if you’re about to be demeched.
  3. It has high damage.
  4. It has excellent combo synergy with other heroes.
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its very good in overtime on the point

The way it’s deployed I think limits it more than anything else.

Of course if she had more control over it, it would literally just be a superior Rip-Tire in every way.

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Dva bomb is pretty insane if you keep track of things like zarya bubbles and have even one person to help you set it up with a stun. If you’re a solo player I think it can be hard to use.