How should use her boosters

as is it a good idea to dive the whole team like Winston knocking the enemy team back a little (with your boosters) then try u turn back, or should you stick to one person (mostly dps or healers) and dive them and try pick them off or move them away from their team. best ways to use your boosters that don’t included escaping?

You mean fly in, tap them, and fly out on one cooldown? I only do that if theyre near the edge of the map for environmental kills, otherwise you’re setting yourself up to be demeched.

I am an aggresive dva so my advice isnt gonna be good :joy::joy:
I usually use the boosters to get in the face of supports/snipers and pressure them to ditch their teams.

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No. Winston gets a 360 degree barrier that’s pretty tough so he can afford to go deep, D.Va can’t really do that unless you wanna spend all game as Baby D.Va.

I like flying into people who aren’t expecting me, so you can land some good hits on them and do a lot of damage before you even reach them. Harassing flankers and people on the high ground is also a good thing to do.
I wouldn’t be flying into a massive group of enemies very often unless my team is with me or we’ve got a good support ult going that will let me live.

Oh boy here we go.
Ok so like, there’s about a hundred good ways to use boosters but I think you want the general idea?

Whenever I use boosters I try to end my boost at higher ground. Dva can do a lot of crazy things with boosters in the right geometry, especially when you drop from high ground, use boosters to go back to high ground. This to me is the most optimal way to use boosters.

Also, always be on the look out for health packs along the most optimal route. They should mesh with what is best vs going out of your way for them.

I’d say always think of what all you can do with the boost. As in, in some situations it is only to go straight forward faster. In other situations you want boosters to knockback as many people as possible and kill someone with it while shooting. Just think of what the highest value you can get out of boosters in your given situation and try to act on that.

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT DVA TECH! Always use dva’s melee boosters tech. By using boosters, you open up a time frame where using melee will not cancel boosters. It’s quick so you have to not delay it too long but it’s incredibly useful tech for Dva.

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