Cringe lul XD haHAA I’m 12 btw haHAAA lul XD
Im actually 3 tho
Cringe lul XD haHAA I’m 12 btw haHAAA lul XD
Im actually 3 tho
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Us console players are usually 9-18, from my experience.
I’m 21. I don’t know the average age range of players, but I’m sure it’s like 18-30 or something like that.
sigh I am getting old…
20 characters. .
I’m 35. My first FPS was Wolfenstein 3D, before we called them FPS games. Played some Doom, then played a ton of Quake. From there I started playing the Quake Team Fortress mod, which eventually lead to me playing TF2 when it came out. This game is the current one in that evolutionary branch in video games, and I’m enjoying the ride.
(I’m adding characters here)
20 this October.
I’ll be 30 this May. I am teh old fart LOL
Older than I ever expected to be.
38, and I get told I look in my early to mid 20s all the time.
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I’m 26 and still get mistaken for being 12 years old somehow. I don’t even sound like a “squeaker”.
I’m 26 and people think I’m 40 or black when they hear me. Yet I’m probably one of the pastiest white people you’d ever see.
18 this october. 4 char
why do you wanna know?
jk but im 20 years old uwu
Old enough to where I should be doing something with my life.
Not old enough to be kicked out of the house.
The more I think about it the more I realize how much I should have accomplished within my time frame but didn’t…