How much does continued Smurf / hackers impact pbsr

It maybe trivial but my goodness people who actually see how I think is refreshing. It’s like talking with people who are older than 10.

They group with other skilled folks preventing potatoes from dominating important roles. That’s what shadow said right?

What about skilled people solo queuing? How are they able to climb if the matchmaker is supposedly forcing a 50% winrate?

You are surprised you are talking to people older than you?

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Just say what you want and move on…

With behavior like this and the closed mindedness, sometimes very surprised.

not really no. please explain.

the impact of picking a low pickrate hero and and the effect of smurfing on average stats are not related.

really? you show gratitude by arguing with everyone that responds? my bad man, didnt realise you were self destructive.

their claims have just as much validity as yours. you dont have proof either but your view is correct and everyone else needs to prove it isnt? are you joking pal?

a concrete example doesnt exist. thats the very flaw that I brought up with your question. its a question lierally no one other than the devs have the answer to and its not information that will be made public.
people offer their view, you take it, spit on it, and argue something else despite having just as much to base it off.
at this point it looks like you are arguing for the sake of it.

who said that? id love to be able to swear on here. id love to be able to call someone out for being idiotic without getting suspended.


Please how did I spit on someone’s argument? By asking proof or an example. Perhaps I need a little more to understand the vision.

Mean while:

And I get :

Honestly at this point I suggest you step back and reread - we’ve been saying the same thing. And I agree we both have opinions…. Not sure why there’s extra hostility towards me to ask for someone to provide a little more to unseat my own opinion.

It comes to this. How or why would I spit on others arguments. It’s been basil creating numbers and is this very thing I’m telling him your telling me.

Mean while there’s this:

Which is why I don’t waste time on hypotheticals.

I think i know what you are trying to ask here

Your stats are measured against everyone who plays that hero in that rank. PBSR is NOT based on stats of people in your recent games, no matter how good or bad they were

You dont get any boost for “bad team mates” or enemy smurfs


I might have jumped about talking about PBSR if folks dont know how PBSR works.

If your in bronze, and you had tracer. Your ability stats are measured against the “average” tracer stats for bronze. If its higher you get a bonus SR, if its lower, you may get the base SR from a win.

PBSR has been said that it itself is negligible.

So again, with Smurfs racking up stats on a single character, how much is that smurf / hacker raise the bar for your to gain / lose PBSR for that (metal) rank.

I think we all know by now. I dont like to measure “how much” - so perhaps I titled the thread wrong… but… it does seem that picking low used characters is a way to gain extra PBSR (only if your skilled enough to outdue the average yourself).

So to answer my own question with much valued input from everyone - “how much” does a smurf impact PBSR: enough. WHICH IS SOLELY MY OPINION and I do not mean to SPIT on other opinions by forming my own. - And you can forum YOUR opinion as well!

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You have a point. However you have to consider the other players as well. If the enemy has a Soldier while you’re absolutely dominating on Soldier, the enemy is going to get well below average stats as you get well above, largely equaling out.

Either way, I never really denied that it can have SOME impact. But the reality is normal players far out number smurfs, so the change in averages is pretty minimal at best.

This actually gets harder to do the further down you go, just naturally. Its why most heroes have a negative winrate in Bronze, because that’s the only way one can reasonably maintain that rank. And when the whole point is to stay as low as possible, this can become quite an issue.

Also, if you’re consistently proving you don’t belong in low ranks, you’re pretty much never going to be losing more than you gain. This still holds true with smurfs who can’t necessarily offset one major win with one loss.


Thanks. I value your opinion.

You brought 0. is that less than cool?

You are correct, perhaps it was a poor choice of words. I suppose I had a hypothesis, and this was the further investigation. And your right again, if no1 can provide proof then I guess I am going to stick to my theory. but…

Never know until you ask. I like to ask questions - sorry!

When I see people so rev’d up about a question, and seem to have their feelings hurt I dont roll over and accept their world view, LOL yes again I am surprised.

YES! its all part of my evil plan to delay OW2 with riddling questions and account swapping! (though I think more than me are swapping accounts, and less admit which accounts are swapping).

Honestly… stop answering then. It cant be annoying if you keep trying and engaging? You must get something out of it. Maybe a chuckle. Sometimes I gain knowledge. When you said it was common knowledge, I gained something, and perhaps the others in the community gained something too. What was “common knowledge” to some I am just now learning.

Gee whiz, I am asking questions. There are PLENTY of threads I dont even look at on this forum, yet you look at mine and it ANNOYS you? I think… another theory. You dont like to be wrong. Which is … a common thing amongst a lot of people. I’ve been wrong - you found I used “thought experiment” incorrectly. I was wrong to use it. Slyther0829 I believe made the most compelling case - I feel a little wrong (just a little :wink: ). Maybe they lured me in by a compliment, you attract more bees with honey! But brute force arguments that I simply ask for further backing and its considered a “spit”?

Oh I get something out of it. I hinted at that when I openly admited that I would call you out for being idiotic if I could but good job on putting the pieces together I guess.

It is common knowledge. Especially so for people seeking Information like you claim to be.
Its nice that you learnt something but is it what the question was getting at? No. If it was then the thread would have ended there and then. It’s marginally related in that it’s a function (not sure if that’s the right word to use here but I’m tired) of pbsr which this thread kinda devolved into but that’s where the relation ends.

They are hard to miss dude. If I ignore you, I ignore half the content on the forum. It’s a shame really. I try to read what others say and only respond to you when there is something so obviously stupid that I can’t just let it slip.

I disagree. Do you have proof?

See how dumb it sounds?

The way you used it was hypocritical. You literally said that hypotheticals are a waste of time. It’s not some sort of ‘oh, gotcha!’ it’s more like ‘stop trying to hide the fact that you disregarded the hypocritical provided because it didn’t fit your narrative’.

You require evidence, disregard thought experiments that don’t support your view and then hide said views as a question.
If you already came to a conclusion, why not post it as a discussion piece instead of a question? ‘I believe x, what do others think?’ instead of, ‘how does x affect x’ and then argue with everyone that doesn’t hold the same view that you didn’t actually dislose.


Thanks - I think I’ll take you up on this.

This was the original post. Perhaps the title shouldnt be a question?

I mean if this wasnt obvious that I did have an established view… not sure how much more info you need.

Again how did I disregard these views I didnt agree with? Was with sheer disrespect? And… why does it bother you so?

And lastly:

Dude, I have no agenda (unlike others on this forum - to seek and root out toxicity!), I seek knowledge. Maybe I might highlight something that maybe I think can be improved for the next game - OW2. But its up to the devs. This original thought for THIS thread came from my relativistic stats idea. It seemed so interesting I thought to make it a new thread and BOY! Did people want to talk about THIS instead of relative stats!

Seriously challenge you to read all the 66 posts, I actually did when you said I “spit on peoples arguments” (just like a vod, I go back and try to figure out what people mean). It came back to what you were saying that no1 had the data. Thats EXACTLY what I was saying to basil…

Anyhow, I’m tired to… not sure what YOUR agenda is, are you trying to make me to stop asking questions? Rephrase the questions? Stop asking for proof? I mean people say the game is rigged and everybody wants to know the proof… here I ask a question and would like to know why people are so “sure” of their answers… lol but I guess I’m not allowed to ask cause its silly?

For the record, this is the first time I asked for proof of your claim that the system recognizes but doesnt use anomalies in the PBSR system.

It just didnt seem plausible that if bronze Widow pops off with 100 kills that game, you claimed the system does not average in that 100 elim game to the “widow pbsr average”? It maybe all a mis-understanding…??

To me, after that bronze game, the bronze widow will be compared to the average bronze
widow 19 elims a game, and PBSR will say, 100 > 19 :=> +20 SR points. Also now the bronze average is now 30 elims a game. Now joe schmoe who practiced widow that day, who is in bronze, got 25 elims… and if it wasnt for that smurf, the PBSR would have given him an extra sr point, but now he is below average, 25 < 30. So he is only awarded the 25 points for the win (maybe even less?).

This is an exaggeration, I dont care to argue the decimals that does or doesnt actually happen.

So you confirmed you are under the age of 10, which is against the CoC

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Are you trying to out my age on the internet?

I don’t know homie, you were the one who mentioned ages

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Do you have anything to add for or against the original post?

I re-read this to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

So when I bring up this point, you dismiss it (even though you are unable to refute it in any way) and when Slyther repeats the exact same thing you acknowledge it?

Indeed we don’t have data, so all we are left to do are making reasonable assumptions that are derived from observable patters, and this is exactly what I did.

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I think your argument had too many distractions. Repeated use of numbers when we both know anybody could come with any numbers to support their case.

Also the whole “It. Evens. Out.” transforms into negligible - I was just looking for “something”. Slyther agreed it was “something”. Evens out means absolute 0.

Then I remembered a lil toxic comments.

Again, your looking for concrete, non abstract, notions. I’m more here:

and …

Which Slyther brought - kept it high level with a compliment. Its all about the delivery man. Just had a convo with the boss - its all about the wordsmithing. Real world skills matter.

I used the example with numbers to illustrate my claim so that people can understand it easier (obviously didn’t work, my bad). I am not sure why you are getting so hung up on them.

My claim is simply that when team A largely outperforms team B, the former will have above average stats while the latter will have below average stats.

My claim is very much abstract.

Maybe in mathematical terms. By it “evens out” i merely meant that the below average stats of team B will pull back the above average stats of team A towards the average in such a way that any discrepancies are negligible.

I don’t even know why I have to explain these things to you. Any person with common sense would understand this.

This is exactly what I did. I made a claim (the team A/team B statement) and created a worst case scenario in which 25% of all DPS are smurfs (which is statistically impossible) all of which pop off every single game with twice than average stats (which is also impossible due to human inconsistency). In this scenario, there is no room for the enemy DPS to even come close to the average stats. From this follows that the above average stats from the outperforming team are dragged down by the underperforming stats and balance out somewhere near the average.

I am not arguing at data level…

I don’t have patience for stupidity


Ahh yes, someone wrote something relating to this and made me think of this topic to see if it’s relevant. Even thr Russian misinformation camp I believe admits that there’s a slight possibility.

So new question, old topic - does smurfs and alt new accounts effect the pbsr but in some ranks more than others?