How matchmaker should work (imho)

my profile is open, I’m 1900

3 high schoolers, 1 college kid, and 1 NBA player on each team would make for a good basketball game to watch. and the highschoolers would make hoops

but there is a difference here, the highschoolers haven’t full developed

that’s not true in a ladder, if a blizzard official came to everyone’s house before they played a game of competitive and properly ID’d them before they play a game, then I could see things your way.

but until that happens, I say let GMs play in bronze

I disagree with blizz too. maybe if I saw behind the scenes, I would change my mind.

Here I got my answer right now: Currently any GM can buy a new account for $20 and pretend to play poorly all the way down to 900sr. then they could just go 50/50 every from then on out. So it’s very easy for a GM to play in low Bronze.

I play with friends and family, but he does have a point that having the ability to choose your teammates can give you an advantage, and that isn’t fair in a competitive environment.

A good competition is like chess, where both sides start off with the same pieces. There’s data out there that shows that players who group up in competitive win more matches than those who do not. What this means is that even if the match maker only puts groups up against groups of equal size, players who group will still be higher rank than those who don’t, in comparison to their individual skill level.

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Chess is an example of a symmetrical, 1v1 game. Overwatch is an asymmetrical, team-based game. If you don’t prefer the kind of competition that Overwatch provides, that’s one thing - but there’s no comparison to be made here. That’s one of the reasons why Overwatch doesn’t use the Elo rating system.


Your comparison is not apt. Only one player listed has any implied skill—the NBA player. Your reasoning is purely inductive.

I feel like you have a problem with smurfing, so you’d rather allow high level players to play in low elo matches than have them hide behind a smurf account.

You’re seeking specifics, and I get it, but specifics would negatively impact the game.

The GM player in bronze cannot play above a bronze level without their MMR adjusting accordingly.

Empirically, again, unless I throw in a ridiculously obvious fashion, I cannot get to bronze, and I’m a plat. Deranking is blatantly obvious and reportable.

Edit: I have friends in bronze and silver. They do not understand OW basics like team compositions, positioning, cool down management, healing, ult economy, the objective, how negatively dying affects the team and match, chokepoints, positioning, positioning, and positioning.


What about where health packs are?


I know who this is…:smiling_imp:. I’ve discovered your secret identity.


:smiley: I hope I’m Seagull!


no, “GMs have the right, nay, the duty! to pwn noobz.”

all that “smurf prevention” does is limit how many games a smurf can stop. i.e. stomp one game in low rank = ok. stomp 10 games = you’re going to get caught

any GM can play in bronze with an alt smurf account, so can we just end this charade and let people shed sr with the click of a button. to think smurf prevention is effective is quite laughable. You can’t stop sandbaggers, you can BARELY even slow them down.

so be it, I don’t think it would be worse

yes you can, buy a new account and soft throw down to 900sr. The system allows for this.

I feel like every idea, post, debate, and discussion we’ve shared just made sense, Tactician, based on this single post. I feel like I finally understand.

I’m not going to say I am right. I’m not going to put words in your mouth. I am simply going to express my opinion. Every post, idea, discussion, and debate is about…YOUR RANK!


can’t argue there

im pretty sure there was no secret here


Well don’t ruin it for me.


no, performance based sr prevents this. it would be more like 20/80 w/l for a gm to stay in bronze


You’re confused about a lot of things, but this may be the biggest. The “prime directive” of the game is to have fun.

Getting your head bashed in by massively better players is not fun.

For most people, doing the bashing isn’t fun either.

The design of the matchmaker isn’t primarily about rank, it is about putting equally skilled players together, because that is what most people find to be the most fun.


I have a problem with matchmaker. It places new accounts in the middle of the pack. I think placing new players at the bottom of the pack would be better because, why should middle-of-the-road established players bear the laborious burden of sorting out who is good and who is bad.

I started playing in season 7. I mained Mercy. All through level 25. I was placed at 2150sr and slowly dropped all the way to 850sr. I was able to maintain an 1100sr rating with playing mostly Mercy. Now what about those people from 2100sr to 1100sr? I was in their matches and did not belong there? That’s a bad thing imho. And my answer to this is to start everyone at zero SR. (Without a level 25 requirement for Comp. I imagine the grind from zero SR to 1400sr would take about the same amount of time that it takes to get to level 25.)

With that being said, I always like to think of Overwatch in the “free to play” (unlimited accounts) environment because console has unlimited accounts, Overwatch may go free to play some day, and getting rid of the nominal dollar amount it takes to play Overwatch removes many trivialities that are better discussed apart from matchmaker.

So I want new players to start at the bottom instead of in the middle. And from that I started developing my opinions on how matchmaker should work. Among other things I’d like to see in the ladder/matchmaker.

Nope gonna be a quad dps playground. As a support it’s a no for me

their would be an awesome LFG so you could find the perfect comp just for you

How are you managing to simultaneously spam and necro your own post? That’s next-level, like necro’ing a post with a link to the same post so you can easily get back to the top.


no, it just took me that long to come up with a response

According to the references information in the OP, you have managed to spam links to this thread on 26 other people’s posts before you had a response to yourself on your own thread?

Do you really think that anyone believes you? Do you even believe yourself? I mean, if you’re trying to avoid being noticed by the moderators, maybe don’t necro your own 4-month-old post that you spam on other people’s threads, just an idea.