How little does Blizzard care about South American players?

In short, the answer is: very. They care very very very little. Like below zero little.

So, with another beta comes another opportunity for Blizzard to reiterate how little they care about their players from the global South. “Little” doesn’t even cut it, they act as if they’re doing us a favor by paying them to not really be able to play the game.

The first beta I could stomach being NA only, but this one? that we PAID for? We pay the same abusive price for this game as everyone else in the world, yet we have to content ourselves with playing on 300ms latency.

This is just insane.


You didnt need to pay for this beta, and if you did pay you got more than just access

That’s the thing, they don’t give a sh*t and chances are they might not even add SA servers when the game officially releases, I hope I’m wrong though.

I’m just dumbfounded by the number of people who paid to play a beta of a free game.

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