How is the -3 armor nerf working out?

Here’s how it affected most of the cast at the time (thanks Reddit user ClumsyLi).

More than a couple of things changed since January, so must armor remain at -3 effectiveness?


The day is November 13th, the year 2019 of the Common Era, armor nerf has been reverted on the PTR.

My watch has ended.


That websites to buggy and so many ads. I aint trusting it

No problem:

(I don’t like to embed the image because forum automatically resizes them, but there it is).


Pretty good. First time I’ve seen it mentioned in over a month.

Seems a stop-gap measure to hit GOATS, but isn’t really as effective as it needed to be.

If/When 2-2-2 is implemented, personally I’d like to see it reverted back to 5 per shot.


Did the armor nerf do anything to GOATS? Or did the changes that followed did that by themselves?

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I mean I’m sure it did SOMETHING, but the problem with broad changes like this is that it affected every tank in both a positive or negative way, so really it was just a survivability nerf across the board for everyone who wasn’t Roadhog and a damage buff for everyone who wasn’t Reinhardt.

(Zarya doesn’t have armour, but she massively benefits off the synergy from Brig).

Realistically when they bite the bullet and implement 2-2-2, there’s going to be a LOT of pieces that need to be picked up from the aftermath of trying to nerf GOATS, since it’s not a comp that relies on individual character power nearly as much as synergies.

Once those Triple Tank and Triple Support synergies are gone, a lot of heroes are going to suffer because of it.


Here’s mathematically what “Something” looks like:


Kinda interesting that Ana rose in the same patch that Winston did. Considering that the initial buffs to Winston back in S3 (or was it S4? I forget) drove Ana out of the meta, you’d think that Winston GOATS (isn’t it called FLOATS?) would lead to less Ana’s, not more.

In either case, that was a result of probably the biggest patch we’ve seen to date in OW (as well as the introduction of Baptiste). It’s much harder to judge the impact of a singular change, especially when it was one of the smaller ones that patch.

Stage 1 was actually played with the -3 armor effectiveness, didn’t seem to help at all did it? The nerf to armor that hit stage 2 was the armor over shield.

So, must armor remain at -3 effectiveness?

Stage 1 and Stage 2 both used -3 armor, so any difference was obviously not from that particular change.

Mostly heroes which suffered anyways profited from this. So i would say the armor nerf was a step in the right direction.

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Which ones would those be?

Thanks, the website kept doing random things

Not seen: not nearly as many people even bothering to play tanks

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Cries in Reinhardt

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According to Overbuff, Brigitte’s pick rate in GM actually spiked in February. The armor nerf hit January 29. That rate has halved with the release of Baptiste (March 19).

So, is this armor nerf still necessary if it doesn’t seem to be doing a whole lot?

I can’t read graphs but i like the armor nerf as a tank player. I’ve always hated armor as a mechanic because its a passive attribute that randomly counters heroes without context. Spread/chip damage isn’t op and doesn’t need such a dumb counter, the name of the game is burst.


The heroes benefited by the armor nerf only seem to have risen with Baptiste patch (and it’s many changes).

I’m failing to see why such change, -3 armor, must remain.

Interestingly: It’s one of the (many) reasons that uprising story mode was harder than previous years.