How is Roadhog a tank?

Roadhog doesn’t have shield, but instead a thing that heals himself only. He has a hook that grabs enemies to him and could pull enemies off the map. His ult is a big knockback thing. His abilities are really selfish and he should just be a dps. Symmetra is more defensive than him. Very weird tank. Any roadhog mains, please explain.


Roadhog’s ult is Moira’s but deals knockback… ?

What, and I can not stress this enough, the hell are you talking about?

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Same thing. Big projectile that deals damage. idk I’m dumb I’ll change it :skull:

How is it even remotely the same thing? Neither of their ults are projectiles.

I’m dumb idfk lmao :skull: just leave it alone

Nah, you cant make a thread about how roadhog isnt a tank, and include such garbage as justification.

Delete the whole thread.


I changed it jesus christ


Too late now, the cat is out of the bag, and the thread is already tainted with the nonsense.

Peel and displacement

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I don’t feel like a shield is needed for a tank to be a tank.

But Roadhog is just…not a tank to me. There is nothing that he does that makes him a tank outside of having high HP, that doesn’t apply to other heroes in the DPS category.

“He makes space by being a threat” is one argument I see frequently, but that also applies to several DPS heroes. I just don’t see anything about him that makes me go, “Ah, yes. A tank.”

He’s a fat DPS. I despise duo-tanking with a Roadhog, and I’m tired of going against one every match.


Nothing wrong with a tank being a fat dps. Tanks shouldnt have a proactive option? They all need to be rectangle dispensers?

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Please don’t do this. lmao.


I am doing this. If a tank doesnt have a shield, how else are they supposed to tank?

Answer: deal damage and be hard to kill. You know, like a tank, a giant armored gun.

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The fact that 1 line of dumb is bothering you so much makes me think that you call the manager when your food doesn’t taste good. It’s like breathing for you.


The fact that that one line was about as sensical as the rest you wrote, I demanded to see the manager, the owner, the wait staff, the cook, and brought in the health inspector.

On one hand lmao at the replies

On the other hand, Roadhog hate is always welcome


Please avoid me as your teammate


Stop bullying disco, everyone makes mistakes.


The mistake was this thread.

Someone got hooked, felt bad, then decided to make this thread with nonsensical arguments.

When roadhog mains don’t want their main to get hate: