How is Reinhardt a tank?

Seriously. Where are his treads, where is his gun, why is he shaped like a person? I’m starting to think that Blizzard doesn’t know what tanks are.

Hopefully the company that created Halo can help them figure out what a tank actually is.

Sorry, I saw a post on another tank and got a really dumb idea


Why is Bastion a DPS? What the hell is a DPS? He should be a Tank.

Except with his rework he should now be a Mortar class? Where is the mortar class Blizzard?

Honestly Junkrat would probably be in the Mortar Class.


Exactly! He’s literally the only tank in the game. And people were upset when Blizzard classified Sym as a support, this is an even bigger misclassification!


I dream with the day Mei, Torb, Sym, Brig and Doom become tanks.

The one tank we got in the game is in the dps slot

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Is WreckingBall supposed to be a Tank?

Is construction equipment (destruction equipment) considered a Tank?

I guess a Tank would be pretty good at destruction.


Wreckingball is clearly construction equipment, why is he even trying to wage war? Knock down buildings you stupid little guinea pig.

Destruction equipment*.

You ever see a Wrecking Ball BUILD a building?

Can’t be construction equipment if it doesn’t build.

Once, never again. Never again.

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