How is refusing to swap not gameplay sabotage?

If you’re playing a hero poorly and not swapping or not swapping to what the team needs you’re sabotaging, its that simple

If the team is suffering because you’re not switching off and you still dont swap, that’s sabotage


sabotaging is not trying to win. playing your hero badly is called being bad at the game, or not having enough practice on that hero.


Who are you to decide that they are playing their hero poorly?

There are an infinite number of things that can cause someone who is good at a hero to underperform on them, and not all of them are problems with the player. Sometimes their tanks aren’t letting them get any damage, sometimes they are getting no peels and die all the time. Sometimes they can’t trust their healers and have to play LOS games which lowers their damage. None of these things can be fixed with a hero swap.

You are not god of Overwatch.

You don’t get to determine anything for anyone but yourself.


If they are playing a hero poorly, what makes you think they would play any other hero better? Legit question, genuinely curious.


There is also the misguided opinion by so many that merely swapping is enough to win. There are 30ish hero’s in the game now right? Almost all of which play completely different from each other, especially if you branch out from hit scan heros.

Before role Que you couldn’t expect a REin player to pick up Widow because Phara was an issue. Now it’s pretty much the same in that just because you play Roadhog doesn’t mean you could do Hammond.

There are a few counters in the game, sure but by and large the last year or more of balance patches have nerfed them into the ground. “Hard counters” barely exist any more, and most of them are flying hero’s vs those without long range or hit scan attacks.

Basically Echo and Phara vs every one else. The slight advantage of picking Hanzo or Genji instead of Torb, Junkrat, etc is pretty minor. More so if said player has little to no skill or experience with them.

Not to mention the loss of Charge for the swap. Honestly swapping constantly imo is more throwing than sticking to a hero.



Plus, as mentioned above, refusing to swap does not mean gameplay sabotage. They might very well be playing the thing they are best at, and know they will only harm the team more by swapping to something they are even worse at playing.

Blindly asking for a swap, especially if you’re not in high Masters or GM, is playing off a flawed perspective.


another thing to add, if your only using comms in any rank to tell people to switch, your client should just kill itself


If you play poorly against your counters clearly you dont want to win

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if you play poorly against your counters, the enemy is doing a good job. Shut up


I’ve actually started using comms less, as in I don’t really use my mic unless I feel I absolutely need to, and I tend to listen a little bit less to banter or vapid sounding calls and although I take them into consideration I trust myself more.


To quote the reporting screen, playing poorly is not gameplay sabotage. I know its annoying but its not a reportable offense


Demanding people swap angrily is sabotage. The entitled teammates who think they can tell you what to do tend to get tilted and tilt you. And tilted people play twice as bad.


the op isn’t responding, i think i pissed em off lol


It’s their way of making sense of what’s happening, IMO. They figure “We’re losing, he’s playing something into a counter, or is not having impact, it must be them.”

In some situations it might be true, but I don’t think they are trying to lose the game. In some cases however, like bronze through high plat and low diamond, it is also true that you will have to carry everything on your shoulders in order to advance; you have to have impact too and if you are you will more often than not succeed, unless of course your teammate is actually afk/throwing or you’re up against an entire team of high-end smurfs. <-- The point here is, people like OP are probably not having an impact either and are subconsciously shifting the blame or spotlight on to their teammate.

As I have been getting back into OW, I find that I must push myself to do better in order to make up for other teammates who may not be doing so well.

or I group with twist and we win win win


It’s hard to use voice chat any more. Most people won’t listen to advice or suggestions, some get tilted and angry and start playing worse. Then there is the issue people will report you for almost anything if you stick your neck out.

By and large it’s the tone most people use though that cause issues. If you don’t say a single thing all match and then just start shouting at people to swap or do things differently they won’t like you or your idea’s much.

But it’s a massive flaw of playing with nothing but random people you’ll likely never see again. OW Friendship system is beyond garbage. First off there are no clans/leagues to make playing in a consistent group easier. But your also penalized by making groups or having friends.

You can’t endorse friends, and they can’t endorse you leading to your level dropping. Which while it doesn’t do much it looks bad and causes you to lose free loot boxes.

Second a group tends to have longer que times and come up against harder enemies. If you run a full on 6 stack you can look at que times double or more the normal time.

But honestly what do you expect when Blizzard gave up on the social update years ago. Doing two minor changes with Endorsements and LFG… but failing to provide the “Run” aspect of their plan. Which was most likely some kind of clan/guild system.


They’re still trying to win, even if the hero of choice isn’t optimal for the situation.

They’re only throwing if they’re intentionally feeding or jumping off the map.


You must have had a realllly bad game the other day cause I whispered you asking if you wanted to group after it was over and you were just like /logout, lmao.

I played Moira a few games in your honor.

Also, I still maintain that voice chat is so very very bad for me lol. I don’t need it with you anyway, I know where you are.

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Nah I’m just firm in my opinion that not swapping counts as sabotage, I just came out of a comp game where we had a Zarya and Hog that wouldnt swap to a barrier tank so we could make a safe push, how is that not sabotage?


yeh you don’t need barrier to get a safe push. your hog could easily hook a squishy whether that’s dps or support and rekt them. my point still stands. I have more than enough evidence to back it up.


People are allowed to play what they want. Yeah they’re a-hats for not changing, but that’s just life. Suck it up, move on.