How is Ana still most picked support?

Ladder is still forcing Ana and Zarya

OWL is using, Mercy, and Moira more

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  • sombra has consistently been overpowered in the pro scene yet she’s rarely on ladder in gm

  • ana has never been dominant in the pro scene besides s2 and s3 but she’s constantly referred to as a must-pick on ladder

  • hamster has always been way stronger on ladder

being in top 500 doesn’t mean that playing the pro meta is the best way to win games, nor does it mean that there’s enough skill and coordination to run what’s the best

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Stop comparing OWL to ladder.

Obviously they play what’s strongest in the ladder setting. Can we stop comparing OWL to ladder now?


weaker not by much
2 less ammo and -5hps for each shot.

Maybe when Blizzard stops using that as the key focus for balance

If that was the case don’t you think sombra woulda been butchered right now???

ana originally had 10 ammo

  • good hps
  • has burst heal
  • no tank doesn’t synergise with ana
  • high utility
  • decent dps capability of the supports
  • and most importantly, has an ability that hard counters her competition on an aoe nade with decent frequency

She’s been meta for less than a month?

Maybe if she was the most picked DPS as long as Ashe or Tracer have been

That is not the true cause of the problem.

Ana has been one of if not the most picked supports in the game since GOATS. On ladder Ana had the highest support pick-rate throughout the entirety of GOATS

This source shows every meta since season 10:

This was 2 yrs ago now!! These devastating nerfs you speak of are not 2yrs old, indicating Ana was a problem even before they received their nerfs.

Ana is overtuned, it is as simple as that and I wish people would giving her a free pass.

They butchered sym and she was meta for a week…

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I think it’s mainly just that the other supports are trash. Brig is hot garbage right now, Baptiste is fairly close to that. Zen is still fairly weak, and Mercy is still bad she’s just been good because Widow and Ashe have been so dang overpowered (but maybe with all the ashe nerfs that will change). I think Lucio and Moira are going to see a lot more play, but Ana just remains the strongest hero individually of any support, so regardless of the meta with so many useless supports and a few average ones, she’s gonna see a lot of play.