How I'd Balance Every Hero šŸ’•

Interesting that you are fine with removing Transformation ults from Genji and Soldier, but Torb, Winston, Brigette and Bastion get to keep theirs. Makes absolutely no sense


I didnā€™t remove them, they just have a window where they can be stopped. Blade and Visor have pretty long cast times that mean nothing, but having them be able to be stunned out of the ultimate during that time made sense. I honestly forgot about Bastion, so heā€™d be the same way. The other ultimates arenā€™t as impactful as a blade or visor, with much shorter cast times, so I didnā€™t even think about mentioning it for them. Itā€™d be the same all around; vulnerable to stuns/death during the cast animation, safe once the cast animation is over.


THe cast times donā€™t mean onthing. The cast times alert you to the ult coming so that you can prepare counterplay.

Just because you donā€™t see them getting kills does not mean they arenā€™t impactful. Primal is strong. Molten is strong, Torb himself. Rally with itā€™s added permanent armour is strong. Tank is strong, Bastion himself is not.

Thereā€™s no need to change how ults work just because people somehow canā€™t kill a stunned soldier or Genji anyway

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This is actually poggers.



Absolutely perfect. Counterplay in the form of a cast time, and an ability that keeps her active in the fight. I feel the Valkyrie ā€œEā€ may be a bit strong but otherwise it is perfect, I love it.

You have my stamp of approval, for whatever itā€™s worth.


It just makes sense. Reinhardt loses his ultimate if heā€™s stunned during the animation, as does Lucio and Zarya. Having all ultimates be cancelled during their cast animations seems to level the playing field, and punishes bad positioning for transformation ultimates.

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Iā€™d actually suggest that you make a separate thread for that Mercy suggestion. The megathread locked at 10K responses, and pushing Mercy changes via new threads would be great to tell Blizzard that weā€™d like some feedback heard.

I would post it in the megathread, but as I stated above, locked.

Maybe Iā€™ll throw it up tomorrow morning, but with some nerfs on the Valkyrie adjustment. Thanks for the support :smile:

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It ā€œdoesnā€™tā€ just make sese just because you say it does. Asking for nerfs to heroes when people already somehow canā€™t kill them when stunned is stupid. It would ā€œlevelā€ the palying field if all ults had similar charge times, cast times and impacts. They donā€™t

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I disagree with these 2, No one want to have their mobility hacked just by touching 1 ammo blast cost of her, the piecing freeze is already good enough.
Blizzard is not strong now, reducing its range is not the wei

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Say youā€™re playing Genji, and as you ult, you get flashed by a McCree. Once the stun wears off, you still have your ultimate going. How is that fair compared to a Reinhardt, whoā€™d lose their entire ultimate for using it at a bad time and being outplayed?

The mechanics of transformation ultimates are very forgiving compared to cast time and channeled ultimates. This would make it so thereā€™s more risk and outplay potential for a limited window.

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Blade is melee range, Shatter is not.

All the ult changes were stupid anyway but they came about because of people whining. A change for the sake of a change to balanced heroes is stupid

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I donā€™t like this. I donā€™t want RP to be on an 8 second cooldown. Besides, DF is still strong in the right hands and has seen pro play (coming from a guy that plays a lot of DF)

He doesnt need that, he has a balanced kit besides deflect

Doesnt need that, his ult can kill every hero in the game if the hero is in line of sight. ITS A ZONING ULT NOT A KILLING ULT

Way too much, I dont want a super tank melter in the game. Besides, he is still useful at all ranks, and has seen pro play.

He is balanced

Maybe 1?


  • hack cast time 0.65 sec -> 8 sec
  • remove hack punishment

I donā€™t mind it, but I hate the stealth mechanic anyway

Bastion meta back eyyyyyyy (no)

Realize its only like 2 - 4 more bombs right?
Needs to be 30 - 40 at least

you want a guarnteed death for the heros that walk next to her with 0 counter play? Oh hell no

I completely disagree with all of that
Can you stop making cheese heroes meta? Torb is already hard to deal with in my rank (which is diamond). He needs little buffs, not major

Not what she needs, and I donā€™t want DF to be longer. You are making her a dps tank and a DM bot at the same time.

Will kill him, he is balanced


  • LOS check added
  • radius increased to 15 meters

Oh god, now sym will be more tilting to play against. Its not the way to buff her. She needs a rework to her abilities.

This is my opinion


Offense: Only change I agree with is Genjiā€™s deflect hitbox being reduced. He is a very balanced hero at the moment and simply doesnā€™t need changes apart from that one little thing. The rest of the changes you suggest for every hero in this category are way too much. Reaper does not need 7 buffs when heā€™s already not a bad hero. Doomfist does not need almost every single one of his cooldowns reduced. There is no reason to nerf 76 or buff McCree further. Tracer could use a nerf, but I would prefer if her movement or reload speed was addressed instead of her damage. These are all just ridiculous to imagine.

Defense: I like the Bastion changes and most of the Mei changes, but I think itā€™s fine that Meiā€™s ult can be cancelled if itā€™s still in her hand. If sheā€™s thrown it and then dies, then yeah it makes no sense for it to disappear. Junkrat needs changes that will encourage him to actually go for airshots and generally encourage more aim. Your changes would be a net nerf which I donā€™t think he needs. I canā€™t say much about Torb, but I think your changes are overbearing. He doesnā€™t need straight buffs, he needs his gameplay shifted so he isnā€™t such a niche hero anymore.

Tank: I donā€™t think DM should be touched, but D.Va definitely deserves her booster cooldown increased, and the DM + Missiles combo removed. I like Reinā€™s earthshatter changes, but I donā€™t think his shield should be touched. Shields are already very powerful in this game and I donā€™t want his to be buffed when itā€™s not even part of the reason why he struggles at the moment; movement is and your D.Va and Winston changes already address that.

Support: Iā€™m hesitant to buff Ana until I can see where she ends up once Winston and D.Va arenā€™t able to jump on her so easily. Your changes address that, so again I suspect she wonā€™t need anything. Hard-no on the Mercy changes. Sheā€™s actually so balanced at the moment and should not be touched unless we see her struggle. In all levels of play she simply isnā€™t. Similar to Torb, Sym needs her gameplay changed rather than straight buffs.

Overall not bad, but I think you tend to give buffs out way too easily and donā€™t consider the impact some of the changes you suggest would have on the entire cast. There is no point suggesting buffs to certain characters when the nerfs you suggest to other characters would help address some of the problems certain characters face already.


Youā€™d make the single target rez the ult? Oh god thatā€™s worse than the current ult

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As a widow main, I find his critbox to be just fine :slight_smile:

I agree some of those ideas are overkill haha D.Va mains are already mad about her healthpool but if Reaper started to twoshot her things would get pretty ugly.

I stopped at Sombra .
You want to kill all mobile heroes or what ?
Even nerf Df rp is just dumb
Nerf Swift Strike is dumb .

I doesnā€™t even want to read the rest

I would get rid of Ana Damage Buff (Its 70 for a good reason(Involves a lot of math and whats fun and stuff), instead I would focus on buffing the sleeping dart like lowering the cooldown from 12 to 10.

I wouldnā€™t touch DF right now, he just got a lot of bug fixes and just got into a really good spot. Requires Skill but worth

McCree Deadeyeā€™s is good where it is.

Sombra I think is a better spot then people know. (There was a secret buff last patch.)

Leaving Sym and Torb up to devs for now, likely something complete new coming. (Will be judging it heavily.)

D. Va is fine, once you know how to deal.

Orisaā€™s Halt ability could actually need a buff.

Winston is fine (Last year pretty much proved that.)

Think Devs are done with Mercy for now, you might want to just give up there. (She had so much work done lately.)

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That would make Winston useless, his whole schtick is jumping in, killing a squishy and getting out as fast as possible, if this was implemented heā€™d need a health increase to balance it