How I think Shimada clan looks like

The question
[GameInformer] Is anyone in Hanzo or Genji’s family considered using a gun?
[Jeff Kaplan] More than whether not they use a gun is who are the other members of that family.
That Jeff’s answer gave me idea how Shimada clan maybe looks like.

So there are two branches in Shimada family: main branch and lesser branch.

  • In main branch there are Genji, Hanzo, their father and their followers. These Shimadas can summon dragons and because of them they have strict rules how they should live and behave. Generally the rules make these Shimadas separated from rest of the society. Genji didn’t follow the rules as he should.
  • In lesser branch there are Shimadas who can’t summon dragons. These Shimadas buy and sell weapons, use black market, make assassins, etc.

As the main branch was falling down, the lesser branch was getting up.
When the father in the main branch finally died, the lesser branch could start to take over Shimada clan. Using Elders they order Hanzo to kill his brother, Genji. The brothers didn’t know what was happening behind their back. Hanzo killed his brother, thinking Genji’s behavior was right reason to it, and left the Shimada clan.
Then Blackwatch arrived with cyborg Genji. Blackwatch destroyed Shimada clan but they killed the main branch Shimadas, not the lesser branch they wanted to kill. Thanks to it the lesser branch had open path to take over whole Shimada’s legacy, so they did it. That’s the Shimada clan we see today in Hanamura fighting aganist Hanzo in “Dragons”. Now Shimada clan includes the only lesser branch and they are working basically like mafia.

The lesser branch Shimadas maybe are be one of the threat/enemies we will fight aganist in Overwatch 2.


Good pitch, and potentially consistent with how Hanzo has to infiltrate the compound in order to access the shrine in Dragons, rather than walking through as an estranged but not exiled (to our knowledge) member of the clan


I think the only ones who can summon the dragons are not necessarily the higher ranks, but the actual Shimadas, as in the descendants of the Shimada bloodline (Hanzo, Genji, their father)

Everyone else in the clan is probably just a hired gun, or a family member of the Shimadas who doesn’t belong in the bloodline, maybe their mother