How good is Brig atm?

I’m a bit out of the loop

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She’s decent in some comps, but is generally outshined by the big Ana Mercy combo.

She’s eh in most ranks. Not bad, not good either. Even in GM (where co-ordination is key) Ana and Mercy are just… better.


Well let me give you a hint. On anubis defence my teammates asked for monkey to deal with the enemy widow and Brig


She sucks. Don’t throw your matches.

You’re better off running literally any other support.


She’s good, but you can do mcuh more for your team right now as a Lucio (or Mercy if you’ve got a DPS carry), so there’s little point in playing her most of the time.

She can work well in a dive comp, but good luck finding players on ladder willing to play Brig/Zen.

She’s not. They took the utility, they took the survive ability and left her to rot.
Fixing her really isn’t that hard and yet they still managed to fail at it pretty hard.


Don’t play her unless you’re experienced on the hero. Inexperienced Brig players will just die constantly after her health nerf. Ana/Mercy is generally a better comp to run, but Brig works very well against Hog/Ball/Doom.

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shes a good meh depending on comp, all other supports have arguably easier to use healing and utility with larger values. brigs not worth using for a simple stun and hard to gain ult armour for over heal

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Here are the strenght of her in every comp in my Opinion:
With Rein: She is better then Mercy with Reìn, but weaker then Lucio. If the Bap changes go through Brig Bap can maybe a good combi gor Rein if you play against Orisa, but Lucio should be better in nearly every case

Orisa: Against Dive she can be really helpfull, becauce of the insane peeling and CC. She makes it much harder to Harddive and forces the enmy Team to switch Dva, but Lucio can do the job too with hood rotations and boop. OWL played Lucio Bap at the end of doubleshield, but she isnt much weaker. Against Hog ans Rein Zen will do better becauce of the much higher range damage, against Hog Mercy should be better too (but Zen would still be the best)

With Dive overall: Tracer is the best Dps atm and Zen+Brig makes winning Tracer battles so much easier. Brig has the best peeling in the game and can contest a flanking position and a highground, wich are very important in and against Dive. She cant support Dps and Winston so well like Mercy and cant Speedboost, but in a Dive mirror she is your go to pick, expecially with Zen (Exeption: If you play Pharra Mercy is better, if you play Echo they have the same strenght)

With Winston:
If you plan to play a passive Version of Dive or if your 2. Sup goes Moira Lucio is better. Mercy can be more consistent, expecially in lower elos, but if you go Zen Brig is still the best in many cases

With Hog: Hog is not good with Brig, she can protect Zen a bit better and contest highground so your Tanks can go more aggresive, but Dmage boost and Rez are too good with Hog. Against Hog Mercy is doing better too, but if your 2. sip gets harddived you may consider going Brig, but in most cases Ana Mercy and Zen Mercy should be better, I wouldnt try.

In low elo Mercy gets more value, becauce rez gets so much more value in the elo and becauce of the lack of good positioning and burst damage, so just concider this. Brig also isnt unlike the overall opinion really not easy atm. Since the health and shieldnerf wrong positioning is very punishing and if you play Brig you really need good positioning, if you dont you have to waste bash to maybe get out

Overall: She is good if you play with or/and against Dive and if your team plays Zen, but outside of Dive mirror other Sups are mostly better.


Mediocre to garbage
You are better off by picking Ana and Mercy on most if not all maps
If you need to counter an annoying Genji picking Moira is 3x times better too


Moira is trash-mediocre in 1 comp in the current Meta and brig can peel better for Zen, thats ehy she can be the best Sup in some specific comps, xou really cant vote her overall strenght becauce with Hog she is trash but with Dive good

She’s good if you play her with a touch of tenacity. Pick your fights, make good use of whipshot, and don’t whiff it.

She’s meh, depends on the enemy comp but she can still be good


If you want a very direct and short answer:

Never play her or Bap over any other healer for the moment.


Not the best, I really hope she gets the health buff in the next patch. Would make her a bit more viable.

I’m a DPS main and I feel terribly sorry for her. She’s really fragile af now for a front liner combatant.

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She’s not as bad as everyone says but she is not great either. For general use she struggles but as an anti dive deterrent she is still one of the better support options. She can also work decently in dive as a Lucio replacement if he is not your forte but Lucio is the stronger pick there.

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The problem with Zen Brig is that it requires quite a bit of coordination and especially requires teammates to understand that if they get low, they need to leave. Most players at many ranks expect their healers to keep them up constantly, and this isn’t a support duo that can do that reliable.

She isn’t a frontline god anymore. She actually needs peel, just slightly less than other supports.

She has lost her identity as a tough healer. She’s “fine”, but not strong.

She can do a lot, just can’t do anything particularly well (jack of all trades master of none). CC would probably be her specificialty she had one. So You have to take advantage of the wide variety of things you can do with your kit because she’s not overall powerful but can do a lot of different things overall which means you got to be hyper aware constantly looking around and not getting killed which is why your shield is so important. You’re going to have to get good at shield dancing with her playing around cover because you don’t want your shield to break that’s like really key, also avoiding getting tunnel vision during fights and healing during fights, adapting your playstyle to what your team needs is also important. I usually play an aggressive Brig, but sometimes if I notice I’m the last one to be alive during team fights and my teammates are dying it’s best to step back and play more passive Brig. Sometimes that actually starts to change the match around. Playing Brig good can take a lot out of you…

I don’t feel as other healers are consistently outpeforming me in terms of overall contribution yet, so as far as I know, she’s not bad.