How far is one meter in Overwatch?

  • Damage falloff now starts at 13 meters, up from 10 meters

So how far is Tracer’s blink range?
How far is Genji’s dash range?
How much is Solder 76’s body height?
How far is Mecree’s full damage range?
How far is maxmine punch range of Doomfist?

Could anyone give the numbers?

Pretty sure it is 3.3 feet.


I think tracers blink is 7 meters and Swift strike is 21 meters

I think the easiest reference is Winston’s barrier, which is 10 meters in diameter and makes it easy to see exactly how far that is.

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Yeah, but I’m not sure in the game. There is no scaleplate in game. In real world, I usually use my steps or arm to measure length.

I don’t know where to find exact model heights, but an average man is about 1.75m tall (5’9").

All the other distances like McCree’s range (falloff starts at 20m) can easily be looked up, e.g. on gamepedia,

Also there are meter markers various places on the practice range if you want to see distances marked out in game.

Thanks, I think this buff shall work.

Best way to get a reference on distance is to go to the practice range. Look closely—they have distance markers in places such as near the stationary bots.

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Thank you, that is a very useful website. Added.

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uhm probably since you aren’t used to the metric system you can’t “feel” the distance but I would say that Overwatch is pretty accurate when it comes to meters and it’s translation to the real world

The wiki has ranges and heights listed as well so that might be a good starting point

You know there is a massive ruler of sorts in the practice range right?

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Ok, I remeber now. That was ruler, I always thought that was parking areas some kind of things. My bad, LUL.

No biggie man that’s what the forums are for