How does this system work?

I win a game, I gain 50, I lose a game, I lose 50… I don’t get it. It’s very frustrating, because I was 2100 and now I’m 1900. :confused:

Are you by any chance new to comp? Gains/losses are far higher at the start and the game sets most in gold initially despite many belonging in bronze where they drop to.


Having an alt/smurf account where I play stuff that I would not play on my main account on a lower level, I can confirm that it’s like this. The more games in total you have played the better the system can judge you, thus the more sure of your placement it is and thus you will gain and lose less.

Edit: something to add. Since I do not play that much, my accounts sometimes drop. If you dropped too much, the game will give you more per win, to bring you back into your proper bracket more quickly, while taking away less.


Yes, I’m new to the game, bought it last week. After I played 10 comps, I was at 2006. won 2 games, and 2100, now I started to lose every match… Even if I’m silver, or gold damage, silver, or gold healing, I still lose -50. :frowning: So I need more games until this stops? Guess I’ll have to find teammates, because this is more frustrating than WOW arena.

Thank you guys for your help! Take care! :slight_smile:

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No expert, but from experience - Low level accounts get the initial SR boost based on the hidden MMR. Basically, the game doesn’t know exactly where to place you so you will get larger SR gains/losses based on how you perform initially and let the game place you where it thinks you need to be. You can find many low level accounts that are actually high level players in the higher tiers because they have gotten that SR boost from winning so much at lower ranks. You will start to see smaller gains/losses as you near your MMR rank that is hidden.

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What’s happening is SR adjustment. Matchmaker doesn’t know where to put you yet. Once it does your SR losses gains will be 20-30 on average. But that might be low bronze. It might be where you are now. Who knows? Play your best and for fun. You’ll fall where you belong. Then you can work to improving. I placed 1800s, spent a season at 800s, and then climbed to my current which is low gold/high silver. Enjoy the game and work your hardest and your SR will handle itself.

PS: welcome to the game!
PSS: You’re very welcome. My pleasure.

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What heroes, or what kinds do you play as? It doesn’t have to be a class like tank or dps, though. Myself I would consider to be a bruiser main, as I prefer playing heroes that can make space and area control compared to dealing with single targets specifically, so I play roadhog, zarya, wrecking ball, but I also play mei, junkrat, phara, symmetra.
It’s easier to learn and improve if you first focus on a bunch of heroes with a similar task instead of trying to be a jack of all trades.

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As others have said, new accounts have exaggerated gains for a time (18-25 games, including placements). After than, they settle down to +/- 20-30 per match.

Note that it is also fairly common for genuinely new accounts to fall down from initial placement, as all new accounts’ first game is at 2350 or so, which can be optimistic. Don’t worry if this happens to you.

More information is at How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 13), but that is probably more than you need right now.

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Your sr gains are proportional to your mmr which is determined by your statistics which are determined by your skill, although not to the highest degree most would like.