How does SR work gain / loss work?

I play with a friend and if we lose I lose 50+ SR. I play solo and if I lose I only lose 20 - 30 SR. How do they calculate all this?

SR is really complicated, and we don’t know exactly how it works

generally, the game measures how well you did in a match and increases or decreses accordingly

if you lost, and did really bad, you might lose 40 sr, if you lost but did really well you might only lose 12


Is he really far below you? This should rarely happen.

I’ve lost 100SR three times (each) in a row and then win twice and only get 25SR each. Anyone care to calculate how much ‘climbing’ I’ll be able to do with a ratio like that? -300+50=-250. What ‘winrate’ am I supposed to have to offset such a lopsided calculation?

If you’re SR is falling that much you aren’t supposed to be climbing. You’re current SR is too high by a ridiculous margin, and you must be preforming terribly during the games.

Your not supposed to be climbing because you’re doing terribly in the games you’re playing.

Here is the full textbook on skill rating:

No one really knows concretely other than the obvious, if you’re doing bad you will lose more etc. The only way you can climb is by improving, but good luck figuring out what exactly you’re supposed to improve on to increase your sr wins.

SR is based on a couple of things. Firstly, average SR of each team, which it tells you on the matchup screen. Underdogs gain more for wins and lose more for losses and vice versa. Secondly, if you’re below diamond, there’s a performance-based component, though they’ll never share exactly how it’s calculated. Generally better performance equals better SR.

and at 800SR, I have nowhere to sink. Are you saying I’m so bad I should quit? Or are you saying the game thinks I’m so bad I should quit?

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I never said you should quit. I’m just saying that you’re doing poorly in those games. Just practice in QP or make a new account to start fresh