How does MMR match you to your SR, without rigging matches?

matches are not rigged i started 900 sr and peaked 3460 climbing is a real thing and will happen.

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2k is fairly easy i’d imagine he was fed up not because it was neccerally difficult but becuase he was not used to that kind of gameplay.


Well, not as accomplished as yourself. But from my limited experience of being between 1300 and 2350 Sr, and recently winning games at 2500 and losing a game at 1400, it’s a heckuva lot easier to support and tank as you go up Sr.

Team mates stay together, actually use your shields, peel back vs. Flankers etc. Unless you’re playing a hero that can frag out, then matches at lower ELO can certainly be harder.

My favourite line, “Right guys, let’s go up the centre” (entire team goes left) “guys guys, where are you going?”

When I’m playing in silver I often feel like I am playing against my team as well. Reaper keeps on going in 1v6 all game. Wait, along with saner team mates, until he goes in and make it a 6v6, etc.

The trick is to let overextending people die. Don’t try to save someone you know is already dead particularly on something like Lucio. Just taxi them when they spawn or something. Remember that your life is more important in many scenarios. The best skill for any support in any elo is staying alive.


I’m pretty good at that. Overall my support kd is around 3.5. And that includes some disastrous stomps.

Had 2 comp games today went 22-2 and 8-0. Both 2-0 koth wins. 14.5k heals in one of the matches.

Trouble is that I was crutching on some very good dps in both games. If my team is failing to secure kills, I feel like there’s not a lot I can do. I’m working on solo kills (diving in like Eskay), but that only works if rest of team engaging else I get focused down. I can’t make any phat quad kill potgs to support a bad dps line up.

Hence I find higher ELO games easier than lower. Apart from I qp with my 3.9k friend and play vs. Diamonds and plats. Hard to even manage 1+ kd sometimes.

that’s just the nature of Lucio, in particular, he works best with coordination. Speed boosting through chokes. Assisting in diving high-value targets. Pressuring out of position enemies or booping them off the map. teammates taxing one another. Well organized dives etc. In lower elo’s your mechanics are always going to matter more than anything else. So make sure your booping your wall riding and your shots are all on point and you know when to hit E. That’s gonna be what carries you imo.

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Also in those elo’s it’s likely just going to be easier to play zen. Discord works wonders when nothing is dying.

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Ha. You should of seen me play in comp. The MM was confused with me all the dang time. Win three comp placements in a row. VS teams with Plats and golds. Win four, VS a few diamonds. Lose the next four, back to silver teams. Play games in Silver. loses where always at -13. Wins always 34. Play in Plat, wins 65+. Loses 33-50. I was able to stay in 1500-1600 SR range for just playing 4 Silver games and 5 Plat games over and over again, three seasons straight.

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It’s all speculation, but It doesn’t rig the matches so much as it tries to make a 50/50 game.

The problem is that MMR is a very course approximation of individual skill, in a game that heavily requires team work.

So if you have an entire team of Diamond players with great mechanical skills but with high-silver game sense, then the game will be horrible.

Compared to another team of 5 Diamonds+plus one plat shot caller with a Plat game-sense.

This is why the game needs a built-in guild/clan.

It works like this:
If you are Diamond and drop to plat cause throwers your mmr stays diamond.
It now Matches you with other Diamond MMR players in plat. so that you are still playing Diamond level but are in plat so you can win 50% of matches. To climb out you either need to play Master level or throw to drop MMR to plat level.
Thats what happens if you use 2 systems

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For the last time BLIZZARD will not share how they calculate mmr or sr. So stop posting trolling information.

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  1. They aren’t rigging games noobnoob, and the matchmaker, and mmr doesn’t “want” you at a specific Sr, your gameplay determines your mmr which your Sr chases

  2. Do you not use any critical thought at all? In a system where games are set up to give about a 50% chance to win you are GUARANTEED to have win and loss streaks every now and then, this is especially true if you’re at your true rank (because if you’re above you theoretically give your team a better than 50% chance on average) and that’s just how it works out. Stop whining about it and improve your gameplay and some of the would be Ls will turn into more wins over a period of time

  3. NOOBNOOB you literally could have been out of your rank already but instead of getting a vod review and actually improving, or even considering where the faults in your gameplay lie (and I guarantee you 100% your gameplay is absolutely subpar even if you don’t think so, another bronzer called respecugnize also thought he was better than bronze but alas his gameplay said otherwise after actually seeing it), you come to these forums constantly to complain about a system when the reality of the matter is YOU are your biggest problem, YOU, not the system, YOUR gameplay is bad and so you are stuck, that is the truth

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MMR rating doesn’t WANT you at any Sr, it wants you to get FAIR GAMES (which naturally end up in a 50%ish winrate).

It also serves to “root out” carried players (so, let’s say we play together and we get to plat, you will be winning very few Sr per match and losing tons when you do, because the system knows you got boosted).

Finally, it makes people who are playing below their real rank to lose very few points when they lose a game filled with bad players.

Maybe you got lucky and got a few of all those million smurfs you say plagued bronze in your team.
After all Im pretty sure your poor gamesense doesn’t let you realize you are getting carried. It’s sad because you could easily fix all this and climb, but you rather QQ here.

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easy, it doesn’t rig matches, it rigs your SR gains and losses

oh it’s zenren… forget it

If you’re going to have a chance at a 50% win rate, then that’s evidence of rigging to begin with. Statistics and manipulation of team selection is the only way you could get a 50% chance of winning. The irony being they call it competitive, but there’s no other sport that does anything like that. Yeah you have brackets, but you don’t say “this team will only play against this team, because there’s a 50% chance they might win.” End of rant.

Or, you know… it could try to match you with people near your skill level, facing people near your skill level, to create as fair of a match as possible… which, you know, would probably result in a 50%-ish chance of winning? /shrug, I guess Math and Statistics create more conspiracy theories than solutions.


You just defined rigging, as in selecting specific people you need to play in order to garner a specific chance of winning. By definition that is rigging. Ask a bookie and they’ll tell you the same.

The way you have always, until now, used “rigging” is in the context of “unfairly” - e.g. rigging the likelihood of winning against you, either by giving you bad teammates or intentionally putting Top 500 smurfs on the enemy team.

Now, suddenly, you define “rigging” as “trying to create a fair fight?”

Rigging is like matching a pro team against team of Bronzes. Fair fights would look more like Pro vs. Pro and Bronze vs. Bronze. You can’t change the definition however and whenever you please, words have to mean something.

You really are something else, Zenren.


Whatever you want to believe. Show me one other competitive sport that works this way. You would also ask, why isn’t MMR used in OWL to set up matches? Well because it wouldn’t be competitive then. The teams playing against each other rarely have a 50% chance to win. I’m wondering if you work for Blizzard. You are so pro-Blizzard, regardless of whether it’s smurfs, MMR, or even character changes, it really makes me wonder why you’re so invested in this.