How does MMR match you to your SR, without rigging matches?

This is the point, if the MMR wants you at a specific SR, or whatever you want to call it, then it’s got to rig the matches in order to do that, either by changing the amount of SR you’re rewarded or choosing teams that have a greater chance to win or lose. I’m sure a lot of people think the MMR and SR are fair, however I don’t think this is so and I feel for certain that there are enough people who have discrepancies that there’s something shifty going on.

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you ever thought that, you were bronze just because you suck?


Yes, quite often, but I also thought that there are these weird long winning streaks that always end in long losing streaks, that I can’t explain. It’s not like I got worse, so what’s happening?

you dont play to the same level everytime, and after a good day you play worse and lose back down.
its pretty apparent.


It doesn’t do that. See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 12) → Summary → “Summarize matchmaking, rating, and progression for me” to see how things actually work.

Win probability changes slowly with rank because there are so many random factors in each individual match. Unfortunately, it follows from this that frequent and long streaks will occur, and a player’s rank will oscillate widely. Essentially, a player will tend to bounce between the range of where he is nearly guaranteed to win and where he is nearly guaranteed to lose. The range varies from player to player, but +/- 250 SR/MMR is common and +/- 500 is possible. This problem can be analyzed in depth, mathematically (Overwatch Forums).


The matchmaker tries to match you as close to people with the same MMR as possible. So if your games get harder in streaks it’s because you’re getting matched against people with higher MMR because yours is increasing (remember that MMR doesn’t directly correlate with rank)

You’re citing your own post, which you consistently do. There are two schools of thought and that doesn’t mean yours is right.

Edit: Also Faulknest, my understanding was they matched for the closest SR and then tried to use the MMR to make the match “fair”. Which they say is as close to a 50% chance of winning as possible. That’s the rigging part in my book.

Kaawumba references actual Blizzard posts that explain matchmaking and your SR/MMR. He has more evidence that supports his claim than you have evidence that supports yours.

One of the Blizzard posts that Kaawumba references states that matchmaking doesn’t even use SR at all, only your MMR. Another Blizzard post Kaawumba references also says that with the exception of decay (and back a few seasons ago, when everyone’s SRs were intentionally lowered at the beginning of a new season but that doesn’t happen anymore), MMR and SR are closely linked. Basically, your SR IS your MMR, maybe more accurate to say that your SR is translated from your MMR.


The matchmaker is definitely rigging matches to get you to the SR it feels you are best suited to be at based on the hero’s you are using. If you want evidence of this, simply start one tricking and all loss streaks will stop. Use only one hero, no matter what under any condition.

You could possibly be 700-900 SR under where you’re supposed to be on the ladder.

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I’ll show you a way MMR can want you at a specific SR without rigging matches. So let’s say MMR is a perfect match rating system. And SR is just what every your MMR was two games ago.

This is one way in which MMR can control SR without rigging matches.

And now I’ll offer you a question: If an OWL player logged on to your account, you don’t think he’d get to GrandMaster in a nano second? I’d like to hear this explanation :slight_smile:

and don’t try to get all fancy on me. if a master, diamond, gold or silver player logged onto your account, how in the heck is the matchmaker gonna keep them in bronze? how?? the correct answer is: matchmaker puts ppl at the correct SR :slight_smile:


What Quarters said.

Also, your beliefs are a significant part of what is keeping you in bronze. It makes it much harder get motivated to put in the effort to get good if you believe that the system is rigged against you.



I always refer back to the Kabaji Anubis game. First placement, around 2k Sr. He tried to win via flexing to Ana, Zen, Zarya. But in the end he got fed up with his suck team and just hard carried as a top 500 Tracer. 86 elims during the game, to get the win.

So a top 500 has to go all out on his dps main to win at 2k.

Sure, he’d have ended up back at GM eventually, but in this match, for sure, he was going to be losing to vastly inferior opposition due to bad luck with team mates.

And this is what puts people off comp. Matchmaker is so luck based. I’ve lost games at 1400. I’ve won games at 2500. What’s my real SR?

I’m currently silver. I’m confident that there’s bronzes better than me, but also golds worse than me. SR accuracy is within 400 to 500 depending on the cycle of the Moon and other random factors.

they should just publish how SR works, instead we’re all over here going mad. it’s cruel

The last few times I saw you mention this, I linked you to the wiki entry for TrueSkill. Do you not understand that I’m giving you the answer to your question?

when I say they, I mean blizzard

Blizzard can’t publish how TrueSkill works because Microsoft already has.

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then blizzard needs to come out in a press conference and officially state that they are using Trueskill

Do they now. Keep up the good fight then, I guess?

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I will carry the torch.


Very well said. I tell my kids this all the time. If you tell yourself you can’t then you probably won’t.

Positive outlook on situations goes further than people realize.