How does matchmaking work?

I hit Masters this season. I mainly play ball because of the lack of communication in the game and i feel like ball is the only hero i can play with out communication.
So im at 3700sr ATM doing good and everything.
When i got the 3500sr and went to my first Masters game I noticed instantly that there was plats in Master games i was like okay maybe hes a smurf that’s doing really well.
Well he wasn’t good well he was high plat good but he didn’t keep up in masters
Lately it has become a problem for me
Low plats low diamonds getting into my team and enemyteam has 1 top 500 and some Masters

And ive been starting to drop rank because this
These low plats and low diamonds are so confused what to do. And they dont listen to call outs.

And i feel like playing comp with this New
2-2-2 queue is the reason matchmaking is broken atm

Should i stop playing comp this season or just try to play with plats and diamond again

If you are playing at a time/day/platform/region with few players, the matchmaker will loosen up SR restrictions to make a match.

A more general explainer is here: How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18).

If you want a high rank, playing is usually better than not playing. If you just don’t think it is fun to play with plats, you can try to play at more popular times.

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222 has been an absolute disaster if you ask me.


My friend I see you are in your very first post ever. What you are to be describing here has been reported by countless people, that you are reaching a new tier or high on this ladder and then suddenly it is feeling like you are in matches you cannot win.

It is my belief and many other that this matchmaker is actually not working properly and Blizzard refuse to address the issue. It is definitely broken, rigged, whatever you may call it but is certainly not working properly and in my opinion, is very stinky.

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Matchmaker turns you around, gently holds your shoulders, presses you in a bending motion, proceeds to enter you dry, and when finished blames you for being a bad mei.

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