How does anyone expect Sojourn to be nerfed?

Imo, I feel like railgun should only do as much damage as widow’s full charge snipe, and only at 100% charge.

Second, charge should decay sooner.

I have no issues with charge speed or her slow orb. The biggest issue with sojourn is the easy to get/easy to secure kills, railgun.

Railgun shouldn’t headshot, or it should only be able to headshot at max charge (And it should charge a lot slower)

Removing either the damage or the slow from her E would be nice too.


Agree, but it sounds like they are just going to give it falloff after so far. :disappointed:


Oh yeah that’s not really how I “expect” her to be nerfed, just my personal wish list :smile:

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so from 130 to 120?

10 damage nerf is what u ask?

12 second cooldown on her slide.

Don’t worry guys she’s getting fall off damage next patch, that’ll definitely fix the hero :skull:


But it should only do that much damage at 100% charge, and that charge should decay sooner/faster.

I’m not about big changes. I prefer scalpel modifications that can be tailored further at another time if needed.

They’re gonna do something that completely guts the character or a nerf so inconsequential that it might as well not exist.

Unfortunately, you’re probably right if what I’ve heard about her only getting damage falloff in her nerf is accurate.

Its busted on its own already, but coupled with Ramattras new ability it’ll be ridiculous.

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Ideally railgun should be mid-range so she can’t stand back with Widow shooting barriers and then deleting people across the map. Ideally she should have to use her mobility cooldown to slide jump in and commit to a kill, not have it always available so that when she’s dived she just flies away. Ideally someone with so much kill potential and mobility should not also have a fire and forget AoE slow, damage, and zoning tool in a single, low cooldown. Ideally, slow field shouldn’t even cause damage.

However they never do anything ideal so it’ll be like -1 damage to railgun and -1% effective range “we’ll take a look at her in season 3 after these changes shake out!”

Less damage on her CC ability
Can’t hold the charge for 8 seconds anymore (that’s way too generous)
Longer cooldown on her mobility ability

The falloff on her railgun is fine and all, but unless her overloaded kit gets nerfed, she’s just going to still dominate.

I suppose I can agree with removing damage from slow field IF they give it an initial yoink towards center on deployment.

My knee jerk reaction is to redesign Sojourn completely but if we want to humor the idea of keeping her broke design in the game…

1: Railgun no longer crits.

2: Railgun deals 50 to 100 damage based on charge.

3: Railgun ignores all barriers.

4: Railgun deals ‘true’ damage meaning it ignores all forms of damage immunity and mitigation.

Basically, railgun is busted. It’s better than Widow’s charged sniper shot, on a character that’s already Soldier 76, but better at dealing damage. The obvious fix is to completely remove the worst element of it (Crits that can easily one-tap most non-tank characters) and instead give it something else (it might not insta-gib anyone any more but it does completely ignore barriers and mitigation and immunity effects) that still makes it very attractive, while also humoring the notion of a bullet magnetically propelled at super-sonic speeds.

Charge should influence the performance of Sojourn’s grenade as well. Low charge still has it’s full slow effect but deals very little damage.

Charge should also influence the cooldown of Sojourn’s dash.

Long and short of it, allow Sojourn to still be very powerful, but require there to be some thought process to using her abilities. Rail gun is still powerful, but you can’t just spam it. Dash will get you out of a bad situation, but it wont also set you up for a one-tap kill via railgun.

Make it like Sova’s ult in Valorant, have a bit of a charge up before it comes out instead of it being instant ez mode garbage

Theyre probably gonna nerf her dmg by 2 and nerf Junkrat again :skull::skull:

It’s kinda big tho, 250 hp characters won’t die in 1-hit. It’s still not as big of a nerf as needed, but it’s still big.

After long discussions they have decided that Sojourn needs a buff. Enjoy!

They stated in their most recent blog post that they are looking to decrease its range somehow so you can’t just 1-tap across the map.

To address the high-skill feedback, we’ll be focusing on the lethality of her Rail Gun at distance for Season 2, encouraging players to make use of Sojourn’s high mobility to close the distance for the more devastating right-clicks.

I think it’s a pretty good start. I think she shouldn’t gain charge off of anything except actual character health. No more shield charge. Also decreased charge rate when shooting tanks. Not really fair she can just spam at a massive hitbox and then 1-tap through a whole team.