How do you use [StartForcingPlayerOutlines]?

I want to be able to see the position of the enemy through the wall.
I thought [StartForcingPlayerOutlines] was the right action.
I set the player with [AllPlayers] and [PlayersInSlot], [EventPlayer] in the argument of [viewedPlayer] and [viewingPlayer], but it doesn’t can see enemy outlines.

Has anyone ever used this action?
Please give me an example of an appropriate setting value.

Start Forcing Player Outlines changes the colorized hero model edges by default they are visible as blue outlines to mark them as your team mates and red on your enemies, unfortunately this method won’t reveal them like a infra-sight through walls sadly no neat way to mimic Widowmakers ultimate, instead you need to rely on Icons or InWorld Text with Unicode strings. So what is it used for then, i’am not 100% but my guess is that its a unique way to introduce a way to create additional Teams beyond the standard model we have in OW -Players can only be in one of two Teams-in FFA Deathmatch only to highlight the new Teams with different color schemes and make it easier to identfy who is in which Team if you go that route. The second idea is bound to the new Scaling feature to let players visualy easily keep track on very small or very big scaled opponents or Team mates.

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Hm… as i read your answer and re-read the Methods name over and over again, it seems so clear and would make sense, i might try that approach and might came up with a 3v3v3 battle mode on FFA ;D.

I wouldn’t have noticed it alone.
Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding.
Try to use icons. :slight_smile:

is cool idea !!