How do you improve?

Hi, all.

I’m frustrated. I’m a terrible Overwatch player. I can’t remember the last time I took my SR (I think it was 2018?), and I was a ~1,600. I’ve been playing on and off, and it seems almost every game I’m in it’s an absolute steamroll against me. Partly my team is uncoordinated, but I think mostly, it’s how terrible of a player I am. I want to improve, I just don’t know where to even begin. I mainly play Supports, notably Mercy and Moira, and just don’t quite know how to properly play them. My aim is god awful, as is my positioning and game sense. I don’t have a microphone, nor any fancy gaming equipment. I get a comfortable 50fps with a very stable ~70ms ping. I’m just a bad player, so please tell me, how did you guys improve at Overwatch? I know that Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor can one suddenly go from horrible to League-level in a day, but I want to just have some general pointers as to how I can better myself so that my team isn’t effectively going 5v6 with how bad of a player I am.

This is a decent start

And if you really got some patience

Just keep playing. That is the best advice I can give. Also play a few matches and watch your replays. See what you could have done different.

Minimises deaths, kill more enemy’s.

Thats what i would say.

Look at your position during a fight and learn to predict stuff like hock or Earthchater.
And you do that by playing and not doing the same stuf over and over again.

Learn from your mistakes and turn off voicechat and text chat. No point in caring about what someone else is doing when you can learn to carry and move ahead. They’ll be stuck behind and you will be ahead. Not to mention you’ll probably only play with 98% of the people you match with once.

This ^

Watching guides is a great start to learn the fundamentals of overwatch, and how to apply that knowledge to your own games.

Think critically everytime you die think “Why did I die there? What could I have done differently? Maybe I could have stood round a corner while healing so I didn’t get headshot by that widow. Maybe I should have died on point instead of trying to run away, to stall the capture progress slightly.”

It’s all about thinking about where you go wrong, and working to actively improve those errors. Most times I die, I’m usually like “I probably didn’t need to waste recall just there, I could have used it to help me stay alive when I really needed it”, or something like that you know? Acknowledgement of your mistakes is a good start.

Mechanics will get better over time - try experiment with funky stuff when you get comfortable with basic mechanics. For example, I try to trick shot my pulse bombs on tracer as often as I can. I’ve gotten pretty good at practising regular sticks, and so now I’m trying to do flashy stuff like 180 degree flicks, or trying to stick pharahs in the air.

Just play a lot, and really think about what you’re doing wrong. Saying “I’m terrible and will never get better” will get you nowhere.

Keep playing and try new tactics. The best experience is always hands on experience.