How do you guys minimise Sr loss?

Upload a video sometime and I can give you much better tips.

As for just sitting in spawn no, but Lucio has so much mobility you should never really die unless you are blatantly killing yourself to stall. While don’t sit in spawn do damage from a distance building ult at the very least while your team is being dumb.

Heck even go in kill a target as a shock then wall hop out at a speed they can’t catch. One opening pick as a support can do wonders and you can easily one v one most dps that are not McCree or pharah same applies to dialing supports who are not Moira.

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Thanks for the offer dude. Much appreciated.

Do you want a stomp loss with feeders, like 3 games tonight?
Or a close loss where I didn’t quite do enough to swing the game?
Or a win where my team were generally great and any errors were 100% down to me? I’ve got a nice game like that lined up and good to go. Quick 2-0 win on liJiang.

My big weakness is mechanics, so I find it hard to duel enemy dps. I tend to stick with the team and shoot down corridors or try to focus what someone else shooting at.
When I die it’s when I try to emulate Eskay and my ambition exceeds my skill.
I’ve played some death match and my accuracy improved from 22% to circa 30%. But my damage is still a lot less than I’d like it to be. I don’t know if the problem is positioning or pure mechanics, or a mix of both.

I don’t give 2 Fs about SR now, that might explain why I can go from bronze to plat and back to bronze again in a season without throwing.

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Ya, golds generally get hung up on who’s “job” it is to deal with certain heroes on the enemy team. But when you get up to higher levels, people tend to be a lot more proactive about understanding what the win condition is and actively trying to achieve it.

For example, in one of my high plat games, my team had a REALLY good widowmaker. I realized early on that my team’s win condition was to keep that widowmaker alive so she could keep picking off the enemy team. So I just stood next to her all game with reaper and killed anyone that tried to dive her. The enemy team ALSO realized THEIR win condition was to stop our widow.

So they made wholesale hero changes to dva/winston/genji and would keep trying to dive her. Since I was playing reaper, I would just destroy them every time they tried to jump on her and we would win the fight.

If this was a gold game, very likely, nobody on the widows team would be protecting her. And she would be completely shut down, as no widow can successfully fight off a coordinated dive of Winston, dva and genji at the same time. And her gold teammates would be screaming “widow, switch”, despite her being extremely good at widow. And she would probably switch to a character she wasnt nearly as good at, resulting in a loss instead of an easy win, all because golds are not good at understanding win conditions and executing them.

Or the enemy team would never switch to dive tanks and would just yell at their dps “it’s your job to stop the enemy widow” without giving them any help. Then they would blame the dps for losing the game because they weren’t able to stop a better widow player

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I’m thinking that the 5 stack in the final game were of a similar frame of mind.

They actually displayed some rare flashes of genius. We stormed to point 1 on attack in about 1 minute. Point 2 went fairly quickly as well. Then the feeding began. Don’t know if they were just stoned and didn’t care? Never had more than a 4v6 up to the end.

So likely they were soft throwing I’d guess.

I can’t forget the mercy’s role in that game either. She understood what was happening as well, without having to be told. And she was always right there to pocket us when the enemy tanks and genji drove us on the high ground. So every fight we had a big advantage as we had a healer and they didnt. And I could just take free shots at the enemy while they tried to chase our widow around, since I wasnt being targeted by them

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Comp in a nutshell.

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Good point. I’ve not played Mercy for ages. Had a great game with her in quick-play where I managed 16k heals on Route 66 defence ((Which I thought was pretty good). About 1.6k per minute? (That was pre nerf though. hope her rework makes her decent again).
But conversely several games where my team all just stood in front of enemy team and were mowed down like chaff. 50 hps wasn’t enough to save them. Whereas with Moira I can pocket a dps for 150 hps for 4 seconds, allowing them to win the mad 1v3 they’ve gotten themselves into…

Not played the old “Pocket the carry” game for a fair while now. But is good practice. In gold there’s almost always 1 dps getting 60%+ of the kills.

But then I’m just someone’s butt monkey…

Lucios stats account for healing and assists, remember using speed boost to engage etc etc
23sr means you did good/average but not overly amazing, maybe you missed out in another stat? Died a lot? Who knows.

Losing 25 likely means you didn’t do much on Zen (likely due to pharmercy, as you said)

Only way to minimise a loss is to play out of your mind , though focusing on stat padding will probably make you end up playing worse


Its going to happen on and off. Just play the best you can or switch to hit scan to try and shut them down.

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Hoping that Bap will be helpful here. He’s got a hitscan gun, so that’s cool.

Ana is obviously an alternative, although I’d take 8 seconds immortality vs grenading myself for sustain.

Under diamond you minimize by playing your hero good so even with a 50% winrate you’re still climbing

The title of your topic isnt about winning the games you are in. The topic you started is about minimizing sr loss. Conversely maximizing sr gain and my post directly tells you the flaw in your game to do that.
You however have once again chosen to blow off the critical information i have told you and act like its a mystery and no one knows how lucio works.

The first character i ever “one tricked” was lucio. Over 600 hours later as a lucio one trick i can tell you for certain your assists weigh VERY HEAVILY in your sr gains and losses.

You can go on at this point about reinhardts do this and pharahs blah blah but none of those things matter in any way. “Are you playing your character correctly and maximizing the potential lucio brings”? The answer is still no.

You are using amp at the incorrect times. Likely on cooldown and out of combat. You are on heal song TOO much! This is incorrect. You need to be specifically conscious of when you are using amp and use it when kills are happening. Using amp speed whille kills are happening give you offensive assists. You have almost none! That means you sit on heal song and barely ever use speed let alone amp speed.

Im not telling you to pad your stats im telling you to USE YOUR CHARACTER CORRECTLY!

You can either blow me off again or actually try to work on your gameplay and listen to what im telling you but i swear to god if i come back and you are still focused on k/d and stuff like that im going to lose my crap with you.

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Wow. Better listen to this guy. Sounds like he means business!

But, fair point. I’m working on it. I now default to speed as opposed to heal, typically only using heal to amp it up for the 3 seconds as a mini aoe heal, then back to speed.

If I’m understanding you correctly, next time my Reaper drops a death blossom I need to amp up speed so that I get a bunch of sweet offensive assists?

Even if amping heals or dropping the beat might seem more appropriate?

Ah well, seems counterintuitive, but I bow to your vastly greater Lucio experience.

100% yes. Thats how you are supposed to use lucio. Supporting dps by amp speed during ults. Ideally you would see that your reaper is going in for DB amp speed him for a portion then if he gets in trouble with health or doesnt have wraith, heal or beat him.

This goes for all dps. Amp speed them while they are killing stuff not just ulting. You dont need to amp heal to top them off ever. Amp heal is when they are in trouble not just generically need healing.

stop this its rude

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My sincere apologies. It was intended sincerely. I’m going to pay attention to someone with far more Lucio play than me.

And also thanks to everybody else that contributed to what seemed like a whine thread (as it was).

I’m going to pay far more attention to gaming Sr via amps at better times. I’ll also continue practising other heroes and also consider swaps mid game to try and meet the win condition.

Update: already applying lessons from this thread. We were getting spanked on Oasis, almost spawn camped to 90% round 1 then swapped to Dva after Lucio and Zen didn’t suffice. Turned it around 100-90 and won 2nd round 100-0.

Sometimes a terrible Dva is better than an okay support.
Got good teams in most of the other games and reached season high.

Got absolutely Beasted in one game. Went 3-12 kd and played about 4 separate heroes. Only lost 24 Sr. I was expecting to lose about 40. This Pbsr still doesn’t make sense to me…

I’m in a match where there’s a duo, that are both absolutely awful, like…some of the worst players I’ve ever been on a team with. Naturally, we lose that match. Next match, I’m against that pair. Except one of our team disconnects after like 2 min into the match. Now it’s a 5v6, and they are talking so much trash like they are great. Another leaves, then another, then another, now I’m the only one left. And it’s still the first round. How many points SR do I lose for this? 26. SCREW YOU.

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We can’t actually know that the difference of 2 SR was due to PBSR. It might have been because you were favourites and lost.

Honestly, your SR changing by 2 is meaningless. If you’re 2354 and you see someone who’s 2352 you don’t think, “Wow, what a scrub”, do you?

It depends. If you’re playing to improve then you might stick on the hero you want to improve with as it’s a good learning opportunity. If all you care about is SR then switching to counter the Pharah is probably the best idea. If you stay on Lucio you’re going to lose. If you switch to a counter then you only have one healer but if you shut down the Pharah you have a chance. Also, if they switch off Pharah you can always go back to support if you need and there is enough time etc.

Switching might hurt your PBSR but that’s only a few SR at most. Giving your team a chance to win could change it from a -25 to +22 SR change. A win which gives you a bit less than normal is way better than a loss of any kind.

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You’ll always lose the same amount (25) or gain the same amount each match (25)… I mean sometimes it’s 24 or 23 but honestly it’s not a great system and once you fall to silver you’re done.

Only switch when you have a good chance the switch will make you win.
Switching heroes means you loose SR even if you win you get less then normal. But you will at least get +SR.
But if you loose you will loose more points then when you would have played the same hero whole game.

Also if you are loosing make sure you still play the best you can, without switching. Don’t start trolling etc… The better you play the less your - SR will be.

So don’t switch to Christmas tjorb just to troll around just to annoy bad players… When you do this, you do more damage to your self then you ever can do to them.

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