How do you guys minimise Sr loss?

Hi folks,

Did quite well in one game as Lucio. Got 23 Sr.

Then lost vs a Pharmercy duo as Lucio, before changing to Zenyatta.

My dps didn’t bother changing to hitscan, or any viable ant Pharah counters until far too late. Lost 25 Sr. Ended up with a really bad kd as Pharah ran amuck.

Upset that I lost more sr due to useless dps than I got for a good Lucio performance (12k heals in 10 minutes).

If enemy runs Pharah and my dps obviously incompetent, do I just stick with Lucio and suck down the loss, then hope I get a plat Pharah next game?

Or say screw it and just play Pharah myself? According to my GM friend it’s a free passport to plat.


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If you play Zen, why didn’t you just switch as soon as you realized your DPS wouldn’t?

Anyway, I have no idea because it doesn’t tell you why you gain/lose as much as you do.


How do I minimize SR loss?

By not playing in the first place. :smiley:


Er, I did. After the first time we got butchered. No point making the team fast if it can’t kill Jack…

Sadly our elite Tracer didn’t change until about 80% of round 1 passed.

And just lost another 27 Sr with a crap 4 stack that wasn’t on comms and just fed all game.

It’s just damn frustrating when you lose a match, and a ton of Sr, and I can’t pinpoint any major errors that I’ve made. (I could have been contesting high ground that enemy McCree and Hanzo held all game as Lucio as I’m sure that would have gone well…)

I have the only card on the team with 12k heals, which was about 13% of damage taken. So enemy team pumped circa 90k damage into us, despite us having a Rein, Dva and Zarya. How does a support carry against 90k incoming damage? But the damn team never grouped up once, so my own stats were even worse than they might have been.

And this is why we get 5 dps comps at low levels. Disgruntled supports and tanks fed up of losing due to crap dps. They want to be the one to carry games.

Edit, its only a game. Next time I see my team feeding like morons I’ll just play Torb in his Xmas skin. Bring some early festive cheer to the loss.

If idiots don’t want to be supported, I’ll happily stop supporting them

This game does not reward you for flexing as support. If you start as Lucio then you should just stay as him, this will minimize your SR loss if you lose.


Despite the game design supposedly promoting it. Flexing to multiple heroes in a single match can hurt you because typically you’ll do average across a few roles (or below) vs doing decent at one.

Dying is something else you should seriously seek to minimize. If the team fight is lost hit that speed and tell your group you’re getting out. If they’re too dumb to follow that’s their problem.


IMO stop caring so much about your SR and trying to manipulate it. Just enjoy playing the game. Your SR will go up naturally over time as you get better. +2 SR here -2 SR there is really irrelevant.


I was in a group the other day where one of the dps was panicking because he was underperforming so asked that he be able to play support, which I was playing at the time. I switched to Mei to help our dps secure some kills. We ended up winning in large part because of my play, and yet when the game was over I got 9 SR.

It takes a lot of games to rank up when this is your reward. It’s incredibly common to lose 25+ SR for losing, even when you played relatively well.

The system sucks, and even though it’s largely in peoples minds, the question is still a valid one.


Fair enough. Just Amazes me that after 3 years people still don’t regroup…

Anyway, had a 3rd loss and I’ve got to accept my share of blame as I didn’t help team much vs Cheese comp defence. Should have switched to dps sooner.

Then 2 wins. 2nd win got 3 golds and a silver as Lucio mainly due to an amazing team that actually regrouped after lost fights. Our Ana was godly and landed sleep dart after sleep dart.

I know I should be used to it by now, but team quality is so swingy it’s untrue.

From what I understand the way to minimize SR loss is to never switch characters, and only be characters that there aren’t a lot of people playing. So basically screw your team, in order to minimize SR loss, it makes sense doesn’t it?


How much are you dying in these matches? Just curious. It may be a factor.

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You know that your performance directly impacts your team’s performance too right? It sounds like you are overperforming in this game which makes it then easier for your teammates to perform as well.

In any case, you won’t win all games. You won’t always have the best teammates either. So you should just try to have fun and enjoy the game and not worry about those factors.

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You are trying to maximize unimportant stats for sr gain as lucio. Lucio sr gains and losses are much more heavily tied to your assists and your amp usage. Offensive assists are top stat for lucio.

You really need to comprehend this and think about it and stop worrying about healing done and k/d and other irrelevant nonsense.

Using amp correctly you will increase your other stats in proportion. Its amazing after all this time on lucio and being told this over and over you disregard it.

Sir your amp usage is literal garbage. Its the biggest flaw in your lucio play.

Cheers for the comments guys.

A heck of a lot. As my team never groups up it’s just constant lost 3v6, 4v6, 2v6, etc. Should I just go on strike in spawn and refuse to move until we attack as a 6?

Often in gold I’ve had to make a decision to go in 3v6 and hope an ult swings it. Sometimes it works. eg me and Hog vs. 4 enemies. Hog ults and I coalesce through him and that gets the quad kill to secure the point.
Had a win on Volskaya, we went in 4v6 and our Rein went for a cheeky back cap, which I followed him up on. Got us 50%, which we barely held.

To be fair, players under diamond are supposed to be drooling imbeciles that don’t know about teamwork. And after 3 of my games tonight I’m starting to think that they’re right…

Working as intended… At least you didn’t fall victim to the 2 SR on a win bug that’s well known and apparently not fixed.

And vice versa. If my team groups up, my healing aura gets more value. My heal stat improves. As I heal more my ult charges faster so I can drop more phat beats. As I drop more beats, and the team is together I get a double benefit on number of targets per game affected.
As my team stick together, and use tank shields, they die less often, so live longer for me to heal. As my team live longer, and more of them in the fight, they can help me finish off targets that I’ve tagged. So my elims increase.

Conversely, if my team just feed all game my stats are going to be dog poor.

Yup, you got me. If my amps were on point I’d have won those 3 games I had tonight with the constantly feeding teams. Ya gots me…

Which brings me to my third and final bull crap loss of the night. 5 stack. Not on comms. 3 plat and 2 silver. The ranks were irrelevant - they were feeding morons every one. They couldn’t even coordinate in their own 5 stack.

I did have an ambition this season to hit plat. But if that’s plat play, I really don’t care anymore…

This season is feeling like a slot machine and I’m getting all the lemons. Last season I had a godly 10 game win streak (Well, 5w,1d,5w to be precise) and I hit 2450. A bunch of unloseable games where I was clearly on the better team and could have been afk and still won.

But now, I am getting a load of unwinnable (For a gold hoping to hit plat player at least) games and my efforts just feel like a waste of time.

The games aren’t even fun. They feel like quickplay with hurp durp players that just don’t care anymore. Quickplay is already utter garbage. Feels like comp going the same way.

I play a lot of lucio, I have basically the same exact stats as Gazzor. Except I’m 1600 and he’s 2200. Go figure

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I’m playing vs. golds.

When I was at 1700 I was getting 22-0 and 15-0 kill ratios with him and climbed to gold with an 80% win rate.

Last season, on my “forced win streak” upsurge to 2450 I had a 4-1 kd ratio with him. As I explained above, good teams lead to good personal performance and poor teams damage your performance (Barring super independent damage dealers, etc).

Had a bunch of garbage games this season as well. Last season I was top 1-10% on most metrics, apart from a disappointing number of elims and damage per minute.

Now this season my stats suck… (Takes a while to update. Should show 2287 Sr I believe).

The best way to minimize sr loss is to just not lose games. That’s the strategy I used and it resulted in me climbing :smiley:.

Seriously though, if you are losing a game, you need to figure out what the win condition is and execute it. In your example, it was the enemy pharah, so your win condition was shutting down the enemy pharah at all costs. I would have switched to ana or hitscan or dva and focused that pharah for the rest of the match (since your team wasnt doing it).

Yes, it would have left your team without one of its healers, but considering you kept dying to the pharah, you weren’t putting out effective heals anyway, since you can’t heal while you’re dead.
If you switched to hitscan and were able to shut down the pharah, they would have to switch or lose the match. If you switched and couldn’t shut down the pharah, then you know that you need to work on how to shut down an enemy pharah so that next time you WILL be able to shut her down.

That’s just one example, but it illustrates my point, to climb you have to learn how to shut down whatever the enemy team is doing. That’s why high elo players have no problems with things like pharmercy and bastion, they’ve learned how to stop strats that are effective at low elo, that’s why they are no longer in low elo

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Looks like you’re doing well with all your dps. No longer a “Mercy main”?

Will you be again if she’s reworked so that she can majorly impact games again?

I just remember the good old days when I stopped playing Mercy and picked dps and climbed 650 Sr in circa 10 hours with 65% win rate with phat Sr gainz and low Sr losses.

Being able to get quad kills and 4 gold medals in several games on my way up.

Beats feeling utterly helpless as a support and your team is just straight bossed by the enemy dps and you can’t possibly out heal it as the incoming damage too great…

I was never actually a mercy main. I picked this as my screen name cuz when I was leveling up my account, all I did was play battle mercy in deathmatch and i liked imagining other players raging when I would win, thinking they just lost in death match to a mercy main.

But I can play a lot of different heroes, so I at least have a plan to deal with any strategy the enemy uses. It’s why I have a 100% win rate with tanks this season. I’m a dps main, but if enemy team is running something that is very vulnerable to a certain tank character and noone on my team is exploiting that vulnerability, I’ll switch to that tank, myself, and then my team has a big advantage

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Cool. I definitely need to expand my hero pool.

But, when rest of team instalocks dps I tend to go support. But if they’re garbage dps and we’re going to lose anyway, I may as well screw 'em and just pick an effective hero myself.

I’m starting to pick up DVa, and doing okay with her in qp. Alas she was taken in the Pharah game, so not an option for me.

That’s 2 Pharah games this season where my 3+ dps have failed to do their jobs. Guess it behooves me to learn how to sort her out myself, even if it means forcing someone else to support.

On the other hand, had several games where enemy Pharmercy has crashed and burned, literally, in a few seconds and they’ve had to switch off. Or the 5-4 win I had on Volskaya where we just ignored her and won 6v4 on the ground.

I suppose gold dps skill so random as, like me, they don’t have enough heroes to sufficiently flex to take advantage of the win condition.