How do you beat Moira as a Genji?

I mean, yes, “balanced”, because also “counter”.

I’ve outdueled Moira as Genji, and I’m far from a fearsome Genji. It’s not an easy one but it is possible if you can spot your opportunity. She does have the upper hand by design, but it is possible to outplay if you wait for her to burn her big cooldowns.

Moira’s vulnerable to burst. If you can’t burst her down, she’ll whittle you down in a 1v1.

If you can land your Shruikans, then you can kill her. If you can’t then book it before she can kill you.


You do not and that is awesome.


Poke her with Shurikens, if she get’s low she will either heal herself or fade away. If she heals continue, if she fades, it’s your time to strike. Rightclick + Dash + Melee + rightclick and she should be dead.

First, you surrender your soul

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wait are you serious? genji is so bad right now

How df do you beat Roadhog as a Moira?

Oh that’s a easy question

You don’t. It’s a counter. You’re not supposed to beat counters. It’s like trying to fight Bastion as Winston or Roadhog as Moira. It’s not gonna go well.

In overwatch support = counter the flanker that are suppose to assasinate/dirsturb the support … cause it’s logical.

Why is that that you believe that one character should counter an entire category, in a game about switching and countering?

What should a support that is being countered by a flanker switch to, if not another support? Should they leave their team without a support to switch to something that counters a flanker? Or should they just repeatedly die when being hard countered, with nothing to switch to?

Just trying to understand this logic.
(This was a reply to the post above mine, not to the OP. I realize it doesn’t really show that it is a reply when the post you reply to is right before yours).

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How? (Best choices)

1 - Stay behind a barrier. (Orisa)
2 - instakills. (Widow)

Moira weakness is that she needs to fight,
Genji fights her how she wants.

It’s like Winston asking how to beat a Bastion.

Ok so you’re going to have a hard time, since Moira is a hard counter to you.

  1. Do not panic deflect. When I’m using Moira and a Genji wastes the deflect it’s great, because it means I’ll be able to use my orb safely.
  2. Fight close. Moria’s secondary fire has a range of 21m and it’s a lot easier to track with it at long range. If you’re up close jumping over the top of Moria you can throw off that tracking.
  3. Deflect the Orb. Doesn’t matter if she throws out the heal or the damage but deflecting will give you a great advantage in the fight. Also the second you do deflect it dash the Moria because as you’ll know it has no effect against her regular attack so if you waste time on deflect you’ll be giving Moria free damage/self heal.

Those are my tips. By and large the fight is not in your favour but it can be done.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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Either be an above mediocre Genji and deflect her orb and take her down as quickly as you can. Doubting will only get you killed.

Get your team to try and help you. Strength in numbers and what not.

Try and get her to fade off the map.

Go back into spawn and switch.

Those are your options…

Ez just gotta book it and then bring another teamate

Out range her. You have the mobility.

Tittle: You don’t!! especially if you are at the same skill level. Maybe if you jump her when she has no cooldowns.

Moira counters Genji

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engage when you are in a decent position. Aim properly. Even in 1v1’s, it’s easy to deal with moira, if you’re a good genji. If you’re being overwhelmed, have an escape plan.

You hit your shots, I know it’s difficult

The biggest thing to decide if you should fight or get out is usually based on if you managed to Deflect her Orb.

If yes, your odds are at least better now. If not? Get out. Tell your pride to take the back seat and tuck tail, cause advantage is Moira almost every time if you don’t snatch that Orb from her xD