How did I lose t500 in 3v3?

Hi there, so last week I finished my 50 games in comp 3v3 and made it to t500. I’m at 3072.
I just logged back into the game after 5 days and I’m not in the t500 anymore. Even though I still have 3072sr and should be at number 142 on the leaderboard. Does anyone have a explanation? Thank you.

Yes, there is a hidden decay as has been the case for every arcade competitive mode.

They don’t give you a timer and you don’t actually decrease SR. It just kicks you from Top 500 until you play again.


I thought it was 7 days for decay?

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You realize that people can take your spot right? 3072 is a low number for any top 500 in this game. It’s likely that in those 5 days, more people have played the mode and have since either just now been able to enter top 500 due to the game min, or the people who were there climbed higher than you.

I know it’s been awhile since you posted, but thought I’d still reply. In the OP i mentioned that with the SR that I had at the time that I should still be at number 142 on the leaderboard. So I have idea where you were going with your post. Why would I see “I should be at 142 with my SR” if in fact I should’ve been number let’s say 650.
And this post was about 3v3 elim comp… where there was only a top 300 when it finished and the lowest leveled players (yes multiple) only had a SR of 3000.

Izzy (who responded first) had a excellent answer for me, so I have no idea why you had to put in your 2 cents even though it was extremely off.


Did you do this? GUIDE: Enable SMS Protect (required for PC Top 500) - UPDATED

Wolf and Razor have you read his post ? …
He said to be ranked 142 on leaderboard so OF COURSE he his top 500 even with that low SR. Top 500 is given REGARDLESS of the SR. Top500 mean the top 500 players who have enabled SMS and played 50 games.
Jeez guys your comment are useless you need to read or to get some logic.

Izzy did a great job with his answer

Two years ago. :wink: :grin:

The irony lmao.
How do you even come across this 2 year old thread?

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Fact hahah. my comment was also useless. But i felt mad about them. If i was the dude who created the topic.
And was looking cause, i have the right SR to be top 500 in arcade open Q and was wondering why i haven’t the logo. So i found the informations about 50 games ans SMS protection pretty usefull