✅ How could the "Find a Group" feature be improved?

I have some suggestions.

  • Make it possible to play Arcade games while waiting for players to join group. I’d like to be able to play Quick Play Classic while I wait.
  • While You Wait should also be available.
  • If a player leaves a full group, it should automatically restart the search
  • Autoqueue when the group is full
  • Filter by language so I can see which groups are for English speakers.
  • Many groups are set as “Any” to find players faster. Let them also autoqueue into Competitive if desired.
  • Ability to save templates
  • Make it possible to view replays while in a group (doesn’t have to be with the group. Just on your own would be fine, but currently you can’t do this when you are in a group). This used to be possible with patch 1.46 but patch 1.47 removed it.