How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 11)

If a player’s MMR is wrong and too low…
…which will cause his MMR to rise over many games played…
…will then be placed with stronger and stronger opponents (and stronger and stronger allies) until his MMR is correct…

The above is concerning - as it seems like this is the main reason why people get stuck in lower ranks. Especially if you start getting matched to players in the lower rank that are closer or equal to your actual skill. If this happens it is highly possible that you’ll never leave the rank since you’ll win a few and lose a few (around the 50%). Unless the amount of SR you gain for each win is massive and far more than the loss, progress will be zero.

Factor in some bad luck and people fall all the time from proper locations to whole ranks below - and then remain there for the duration.

I’m thinking it makes far more sense to allow players to stomp lower players and send the up the ranks vs leaving them in the ranks and matching them with similar players in that rank. Let the similar players meet up when they all reach the proper rank.

I might be missing something but it seems that change would send smurfs up ricky-tick - and while lower ranks might get a few serious beatings at the beginning of the season it would in theory over time balance. Especially if the win/lose SR at their proper rank drops keeping properly matched people closer together for longer periods.

Nothing more frustrating than being in a lower rank and having to constantly battle and carry a lot of the work for a few games only to start getting matched to better players, and ending up in the win 1 lose 1 back and forth.

On top of that, placements feel like teams are randomly matched and being tracked by individual performance. However, your performance is seriously underrated a lot of times because … a lot of times … the team comps and skills are so out of wack that there is zero teamwork.

shrug… all the math and many measurements and what not… and it really just doesn’t feel like it works… maybe thinking simpler instead is the actual solution?

BTW - great post, great information :slight_smile:

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Well, you always want your team to try-hard and the other team to goof off. :confused: What actually happens varies of course.

Statistical performance has zero effect on rating in diamond and above. Overwatch Forums

Maybe your current play style is winning more games or keeping you less tilted, but it doesn’t have anything to do with you exploiting the ranking system somehow.

This doesn’t happen, on average. It will only happen on accident when two misplaced players randomly are matched against each other. They are equally likely to be placed on the same team, and totally stomp to victory. So a player who doesn’t belong in their rank, will climb with enough games played (assuming they aren’t throwing).


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He means the mmr is affected, allowing better teammates. He isn’t talking about SR gains and losses.

I believe what he is doing is the “sandbagging” approach I talked about ages ago. Just turns out he’s master class in other roles too so it’s even more notable when mmr gets wobbly from him changing things up. Either way though, you can test this and document results.

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“Especially at the higher levels of online competition where every point of SR matters, we want players to not be distracted and worry about how to optimize around the personal performance adjustment. They should just be trying to WIN. So after we get back from the holidays on January 2nd we’re going to turn off the personal performance SR adjustments for players in the Diamond skill tier and above.” – Scott Mercer Overwatch Forums

Scott did not say, “We are making the relationship between performance and rating even more obscure (have high stats so you’ll get better teammates so you’ll rank up) so only the really clever people can figure it out and exploit the system.”

He also did not mention mmr at all.

Remember mmr is the basis for your decay argument. Can’t have it both ways like that.

Hello Kaawumba,

Sorry to trouble you but i have a quick question for you.

After a loss, I understand that SR drops by quite a bit. I managed to squeeze in 4 games before the end of Season 11 and for 2 losses, I lost a grand total of 5-7 SR from 1469 to 1462-1464.

Is this normal?

The SR gain for wins appear to be more or less spot on, I guess. I gained enough from 2 wins to reach 1506 from 1462-4.

Thanks in advance.

I’m having trouble following your numbers. Could you give me your SR after each game?

After 10 placements = 1469
Game 11 (L) = 1465
Game 12 (L) = 1462
Game 13 (W) = 1483
Game 14 (W) = 1506 (final)

Thanks, dude.

P.S. The reason for asking is because i am baffled and trying to understand why the SR losses are so low. Should it not be more than what i lost (i ain’t complaining for sure)? Just trying to understand the system a little, as you probably know by now.

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Those numbers make no sense. Typical gain/loss is 20-30. There is a occasional bug (less than 1% of games) in which people have extremely low gains. I don’t recall ever seeing games with extremely low losses.

Though it is true that people will be less likely to complain about extremely low losses than extremely low gains.

My guess is a previously unknown bug, though it could be a matchmaking failure (you were put in a game you were expected to lose) or a performance SR issue (you were doing really, really well, but somehow your team lost it for you).

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Yeah, ikr?

But the number were what they were. Hence my confusion. Nevertheless, a quick check on my stats on any of the website trackers would confirm it.

Plus, i must admit (shamelessly, sic :wink:), i think i did reasonably well in all the 4 games prior to Season end.

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Also, thanks again, Kaawumba. You and many others have been very courteous and kind to this old man. The Competitive mode sub-forum is just so much more positive than the General Discussion sub-forum.

You guys here just make it so much more motivating to continue playing Competitive mode games for me.


Judging by the phrase “squeeze in at the end of the season” and knowing about the event crashes during that time, I would give a lot of weight to the matchmaker failure theory, personally.

Alright, bug reported submitted. Thanks for the feedback, Kaawumba.

Well, regardless of the reason, if it is a bug, it should be addressed, to be fair to everyone who is playing this game.


This is exactly where you and a lot of people get tricked by Blizzard.

They told SR loss/gain won’t be affected by personal performance, they didn’t say MMR. Im so sorry to delude you.
We actually don’t even know if they removed bonus streaks from MMR, and I believe NO, because the only way to prevent a smurf to destroy hundreds of games is giving him his real mmr faster, and you can only achieve this by reading his stats and “boost” his mmr faster with bonus.

So, im sorry to delude you again, you and at least 80% of the playerbase still dont realize that Blizzard is literally unable to read coordination, gamesense or any kind of ow knowledge in a match. NUMBERS are the only thing they can read and compare from tier to tier, STATS are numbers that provide to this handicapping system a crude but reasonable good info on your impact in a match and determine if your mmr have to go up or down. This is exactly what Blizzard don’t wont you to know because it’s commercially unproductive.

Wake up and start trusting in what you see instead of what they want you to believe.

Yeah well said! Blizzard only cares about commercial enterprise. They do not care about fair/objective competition.

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But how does that work when people drop FAR FAR below their true rank ? I’ve seen high plat/dia material player dropping to mid gold during these streaks.

I really hate this system as a support main. If you get really bad matchups and keep losing you will continue to fall in SR no matter what. You cannot carry yourself out of the hellhole of 1300s as a support because you rely too heavily on your team to do their jobs. I fell from 2400 to 1300 in the last 4 seasons because of the SR holding between seasons as a support main.

Each season needs to start fresh.

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Your stats are terrible. But if you have bad teams that makes sense.

Way I climbed from 1700 to 2k was to farm my kd ratio. One game I managed a 40 kill streak with Moira. Also went 22-0 and 15-0 in 2 Lucio games. Climbed back up with 80% win rate.

As it is, you’re dying far too often.